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No Face · 2y

Aaah I'm shy to ask but I really love ur writing so would u be willing to drabble anything with kyunyun (maybe a school situation?) Thank uuu!!

The sun is shining brilliantly overhead, its heat radiating off the pavement under Changyun's shoes. He checks his watch: 8:18. Minkyun was supposed to meet him at 8; three buses have already arrived and departed. Changyun shuffles his feet, stretches his neck, and watches passersby, dashing to work or school, oblivious to the boy in his uniform he laundered himself, a hand-me-down, but still in decent condition. Changyun takes good care of his possessions, even the ones he inherited from his older brother.

Down the street, jogging in a way that sends his backpack flying haphazardly behind him, Minkyun emerges. He's waving an arm excitedly over his head, and even at a distance, Changyun can see his dimples flashing, the sunlight scattering through the branches of the trees lining the street in a way that accentuates them beautifully. When he reaches Changyun, he doubles over, hands on his knees, panting slightly.

"Sorry," he exhales, smiling sheepishly. "There were so many cats this morning, more than usual. I had to buy some more food to feed them all."

Changyun can't help but smile. He loves this about Minkyun, loves his ever-expanding heart, his devotion to stray and abandoned animals, even over his own needs.

"We'll be yelled at for sure," Changyun sighs.

"Ehh, not much they can do to us beyond that, though!"

Changyun eyes Minkyun's disheveled appearance; untucked shirt, wrinkled pants, and loose necktie. Even so, Minkyun is carelessly handsome. Changyun hangs his head, thinking of all the product he doused into his hair, how much fragrance he spritz over himself, how much time he spent ironing his shirt and pants, and he silently wishes beauty could come as easily to him as it does to Minkyun.

As if aware of the turbulent thoughts rolling through Changyun’s mind, Minkyun takes his hand and squeezes it, smiling down at him with enough warmth to rival the sun.

The bus arrives, bright green against the pale grey of the building across the street. Only one seat is open by the time they board, and Minkyun deftly plucks Changyun’s backpack off his shoulders and pushes him gently into it.

"What do you have in here?" Minkyun asks exasperatedly, weighing the bag in his hand.

"Books," he shrugs, "homework, like you have any idea what that is," Changyun laughs.

"I do it…sometimes!"

Minkyun is popular, wildly so. Student body president, friends with every group and every clique, and yet it is at Changyun's side where he chooses to be. Changyun doesn't even remember how they became friends—it's like Minkyun has always been there, as much a part of his life as school or family.

The bus deposits them at the school gates, and a teacher is waiting for them, ruler poised menacingly in his grip.

"You're late!" he shouts at them as they race toward him, banging the fence with his ruler. "Tuck I'm your shirt!"

Minkyun laughs as they pass him, half-heartedly tucking the very end of his shirt tails, certain to fall out in a few seconds at most. Their homeroom teacher isn't there when they arrive, and Minkyun takes his usual seat in the back row, Changyun right in front of him.

Lining up his notebooks and pens evenly across his desk, Changyun turns around to face Minkyun. "Did you study for the test today?"

Minkyun flies forward from where he had been leaning back in his chair. "What test!?"

Changyun sighs, pulling out his flashcards and passing them to him. "English," he says, "Words and phrases to do with ordering in restaurants."

"Oh, I've got that down no problem," Minkyun smirks before launching into random English. "Caramel macchiato, burger please, one, French fry large size." He looks proud of himself, and Changyun raises his eyebrows, half amused and half exasperated.

"You should look over these," he says, pressing the cards more resolutely into Minkyun's hand.

Minkyun glances down at them and smiles. "What would I do without you?"

Changyun can feel himself growing red, and he starts to stutter. Minkyun just laughs and kisses his own hand before lightly slapping Changyun on the cheek with it.

"Arcade after school? Or do you want to come over and play guitar?"

Changyun stares at him a moment and peers over at the other students eyeing Minkyun hopefully. Warmth fills him from the inside out as he replies, "Anything you want."

Twin dimples flash in excitement before their teacher slides the door open, and class begins.

Also thank you so much! Hopefully you enjoy this~~ I don't often write this brand of fic so it's am exciting challenge for me ă…‹ă…‹

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