anonymous · 7mo

what got you into jjk? what do u like abt the series?

good question, i don't remember it too well. i think i saw the series in a local bookstore more than 2 years ago but didn't actually start reading or watching it until i joined anitwt in 2022. i've been into anime and manga for over 15 years now but i've never been this hooked on anything haha. it's just exceptionally well done - the story centered around human emotions and the whole mind/body dualism, the action that uses both physical strength and jujutsu abilities, yuuji best boi(TM), the diverse cast (even if gege kills them all off) and good villains. and obvsiously gege's sense of humor, too. i like how unconventional he is while taking inspiration/referencing other shonen series. both fujimoto and gege are my age so i find them kinda relatable in their commentary and the "energy" they give off. i fell for the series even more after watching the anime because some of my favorite voice actors are in it - i still periodically re-watch season 1 because it's fantastic

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