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Anonymous creature · 1y

I’m unsure where it’d be if you did make a list, but what are the kinks/fetishes that you indulge in and what are some that interest you but ain’t your thing?

It's honestly easier for me to write the things that I'm not into/don't interest me, I'm such a service verse-switch/into making people get going that I've assimilated about anything tee eeh(deranged). I happen to indulge in things that weren't my thing because I enjoyed the reaction I got out of it (footjobs, for example) and I'd still do them for that, soooo I can count them as interest? ???

But otherwise there's so many things I'm into and discovering and maybe need specific situations that it's easier making the F list, iykyk (and it still doesn't have EVERYTHING.) I think also having had hypersexuality as stress response for a good while has meddled a lot with that -w-''

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