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sigal vartan · 6mo

What are your thoughts on leno/oz 👀 (either platonic/besties, etc)

I love them!! I get the impression they end up hanging out at Shylock's bar together from time to time and Leno-Oz-Shylock are a trio of more lowkey overlapping dynamics that I like a lot. I really like interactions that are heavily weighted to non-verbal/unspoken communication... although Shylock is someone who in other contexts will happily use quite a lot of words lol. I think Shylock and Leno are both people who can give Oz a lot of relief in a way in that they have the capacity to understand his needs with minimal explanation and don't have particular desires or expectations of him. I think often about how Oz asks Leno for help repairing things at night because he can admit to weakness/failing to Leno without feeling ashamed of his nighttime powerlessness, or wary of the possibility that Leno might hold it over him. Leno also is better with interactions that are more about actions/service or a wordless togetherness so I think being around Oz feels likewise relatively easy for him in that way. me inserting Shylock into this answer was unnecessary but here we are

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