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anon · 13d

Can you tell morę about your character Alabastru? I came across some of the drawings and I’m curious. Who is he, what’s his personality?

he's more or less a sona! so his personality is just... mine. he's lonely and shy and sees himself as a disgusting creature. he's based off of the romanian legend of 'iele'. feminine fairies that lure men into the forest

anon · 13d

veryyy curious about future val and kitty... i gotta know their love story. do they have the frank and sal level freakery or are they a little more tame. gotta know

i think they're just as freaky, even more unabashed about it than sal and frank, and maybe that's why i consider them a happier couple? they definitely share a lot of the issues that sal, frank and estrella had, roleplaying is a core aspect of their life - they are an unhealthy pair to an extent. maybe they just deal with it better than their parents... the central theme of the story is repeating cycles, and i would like the future selves of these characters to showcase that, in a bittersweet way. val ended up like her father but probably loves her job more than he ever did

anon · 27d

what r the voice claims for the characters? ik that val def sounds like cow from cow and chicken lol

i did make one recently but i already feel like it's outdated / i want to change it ...

here are the ones that i still consider '''''canon''''''''
frank - eva the secretary from grim fandango
estrella - eponymous character from aeon flux
val - cow from cow and chicken

anon · 27d

have u read homestuck?

anon · 1mo

why does flynn not like the name flavio? also what is his relationship to fabio? does fabio have any super powers?

anon · 29d

Have you considered selling prints of your art? I love it SO much and I would love to hang some up on my wall!!!!!

i have! do you have any piece in mind from me that you'd be most interested in? i'm trying to figure out which ones people would like to have the most

anon · 2mo

Do Tabitha and Haruka have any superpowers or are they regular humans?

anon · 1mo

I fear I might be Tabitha.. Amazing characters! Each one of them is super snazzy.

anon · 2mo

i'm very curious, did gib get any kind of alien traits from his mom? or is 1/4 alien too diluted to be noticeable/he just got very unlucky and didnt get anything

hmm i'm still thinking about this, the way i've imagined him until now is that he's completely 'super-power-less', but maybe it would be cooler for him to have some sort of ability, even if his mutant blood is so diluted. flynn is already the 'kid of a mutant but got very unlucky' trope, so maybe it would be too boring if gibson's the same thing... idk yet

anon · 2mo

GOLLY GOSH thank you for the tutorial! (For the carrd)

anon · 2mo

idk if this was mentioned before, but do val and gang go to a type of superhero/villain school? or are they just in public school?

they go to a public school, but considering most of them have caped parents... it might as well be a superhero/villain school at this point. they don't have any classes relating to that aspect however, i think being able to study/prepare yourself for the business only becomes an option with college/private schooling

anon · 2mo

How do you make your carrd a gallery of some sorts? It looks great !

anon · 2mo

is flynn skinny or fat?

he's awkwardly tall and spindly, his legs are very skinny but has flabby arms and a belly. i would consider him fat

anon · 2mo

what are the character's eye colors?

99% of the cast has black eyes, sal and estrella's eye colors are a bit more brown-ish/hazel, gibson is the only one who's eyes are icy blue. tabitha's would also probably be grayish-green

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