Mystery Person · 8mo

Someone asked Haru and Yuki already, so now it's everyone else's turn? How do you feel about toilets? Do you use them? Do you have one in your house?

Momo: "Our house doesn't have one, we only have the small squatter. The last time I used a toilet, I sat down and sprayed the stall instead, then got up halfway through and walked out without stopping! That should tell you how I feel about them!"
Nana: "Same for me, but I think we would both be okay with using a toilet if it was in someone's home and they prefer it. Out of respect, you know? Like at Fuyu's house when we don't feel like going outside."

Fuyu: "My house has a toilet, and I prefer to use it! Even though... I-I'm the only one who does..."

Yui: "Me and Nami live with Momo and Nana, so we do not have one, but I typically will use them if they are present."
Nami: "Me too... but I can't use them unless I pee separately in a urinal first. I... don't fit."

Malie: "I don't like sitting on them, it feels gross! But if there is one wherever I am, its probably because they want to keep the floors clean, so I use them to be nice... but only standing! It's kinda hard to aim though... but at least I only miss a little bit sometimes!"
Ruki: "I'm fine with using toilets normally, but I definitely prefer not to!~ I'm respectful so I use them when I have to... but if I can, I might open a window instead if you know what I mean!~"
Alea: "My house has one, b-but... I n-never use it... or any others either anymore..."

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