Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

TheBull1998 · 1y

Everyone: Let's say we were all sitting on the couch in my Livingroom and all of you had the sudden urge to pee very bad and very desperately. Where Would you guys pee at?

Fuyu: sigh
Momo and Nana: "Where do you want it?"
Momo: "I could just let it go, but you don't want that do you? Maybe I'd hide my desperation and snuggle up to you, then test out how absorbent your clothes are..."
Nana: "I'd probably be leaning on the side of the couch anyway, so I might turn and put my legs in your lap, then get you nice and wet."
Momo: "If we do it at the same time..."
Nana: "...there would be no escape until we're done!"
Haru and Yuki: "Us too!"
Haru: "I'd climb onto your shoulders and go on your back!"
Yuki: "I'd stand in front and cover everything they miss!"
Momo: "Hehe... that would be fun..."
Nana: "But really we'd probably all just let it go normally. I'd aim for the floor or your coffee table, and Momo and Haru both love soaking couch cushions."
Haru: "It's true..."
Yuki: "If I was really desperate, I'd be hard too, so... maybe I'd put it between the cushions and go, if I felt comfortable enough around you to cum... if not, I'd just spray it all over the place!~"

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