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Mystery Person · 6mo

Everyone: If you had to pick just one type of spot to pee forever, what would it be and why? Only rule: No toilets, sinks, or anything else with plumbing!

Momo: "Definitely carpets! The sound of pee hitting and soaking into a carpet is impossible to beat... and the feeling of that warm wetness slowly expanding beneath you... it's the absolute best!"

Nana: "I would have said carpets too, and the kids probably also would... but since Momo already took it... hmm... I'll go with plants. Any plants, indoors or outdoors, wild or not. Is that cheating? I just love how naughty it feels and sounds to pee in nice planting or potting soil, or all over the leaves of wild bushes."

Haru: "I'll pick hard floors then! It's super naughty just like carpets! Peeing on a carpet feels kind of... intimate? But peeing on a hard floor is just totally naughty, there is no hiding it when the splashing is that loud and the puddles get so huge! Its even naughtier since I can go bottomless and just let it out anywhere indoors at any time..."

Yuki: "This is hard... uuu... there are so many good choices still left, but... I'll go with couches! Not because peeing on them is better than my other favorites though... its because with couches, i can push inside between the cushions and let it all go there, and when i finish, just a couple little humps and the soaking feeling all over down there makes me cum extra hard!"

Fuyu: sigh... "...fine. I-I'll go with trees since I can hide behind them."
Momo: "Nuh-uh! Nana picked plants already, trees count!"
Fuyu: "Wh-why?! Isn't that different?"
Haru: "Nope, sorry mommy..."
Yuki: " gotta pick something else!"
Everyone giggles while Fuyu blushes
Fuyu: "...ugh, fine! I'll pee on walls then!"
Yuki: "Outdoors only, right?"
Fuyu: "W-why?"
Haru: "Well, I already picked floors and mama picked carpets, so..."
Fuyu blushes even brighter
Fuyu: "A-alright, I'll do it outside!"
Momo: "Let's go then!"
Fuyu freezes
Momo: "We were just saying what we would pick, but you said you'd do it right? I can tell you have to pee, so come on, let's get you to the wall outside!"
Fuyu goes solid red and starts stuttering heavily while the others giggle even more
Nana: "You're so mean!" she says, still giggling

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