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Mystery Person · 6mo

Fuyu: Could I perhaps convince you to nonchalantly pee while reading in the public library?

Fuyu: "W-whaaa??!"
Momo: "I don't think they're capable peeing nonchalantly at all..."
Fuyu's face turns bright red and their eyes are darting around wildly
Fuyu: "Wa- wh- why are y-you asking me thiiiis?!"
Momo: "Yeah, honestly? Me, my sister, or the kids would all have been better for this, and we'd all happily do it, so..."
Momo gets a naughty grin when she sees Fuyu's tail wagging
Momo: "Well... Fuyu is definitely cute..."
Fuyu: "M-Momo???!!?!"
Momo: "I'll be right there with you if you want to try it~"
Fuyu: "Awaawawwawauu-"
Fuyu's tail wags even harder, because even though they're incredibly embarrassed and on the verge of fainting, deep down, they are interested and want to expand their comfort zone

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