Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymouse · 3y

I REFUSE to believe johnten, in any way conceivable, have broken up. Please. They gotta let us have this. I’m on my knees…. im on my knees..

I also don't believe it, anon. There are a hundred reasons for why we see what we see in that video, the biggest being that, as always, we only ever get a narrow slice of their lives from SM's content. And that slice is very specifically cut and curated. We don't know what SM left on the cutting room floor, what happens when cameras are off, what Johnny and Ten are like with just the two of them. That alone is enough to sustain me, tbh. I have some other thoughts too but at the end of the day, you can believe what you want - including not letting anything bother your shipping 😊❤️

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