Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

dogboy · 12mo


!!I WATCHED SPIDERVERSE FOR THE FIRST TIME THE OTHER DAY SO GREAT TIMING!!!!!! 💕 it took me a GOOOOOD while to watch the sequel cause it was such a busy year ugh SO i think she’s a very charming and cute girl!!! :3 impulsive characters have a piece of my heart always and i liked her a lot + her suit looks SO GOOD eyesore. just how i like them. unfortunately……….i felt nothing towards miguel 😭 i really thought I would like the duo more cause some fanarts were just So Good but the dynamic just hmmmmm. Doesn’t Scratch my Brain I REALLY WISH I COULD DIG MORE INTO HER BUT I PHYSICALLY NEED TO PLAY Barbies and have ships in everything i consume in order for it to grow big on me LOL

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