Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Curious Star · 3mo

Oh, berarti kamu bakal nurut ya kalo disuruh-suruh? udah cocok sih jadi tukang kebun depan rumah saya. BERCANDA. anyway, selamat istirahat, Kenneth. doain semoga saya gak malu terus, takutnya dimarahin tetangga soalnya berisik. have a good night!

DEPENDS tapi aku gak mau jadi tukang kebun ya kocak cakep-cakep gini jadi tukang kebun, rugi!!! 😠 Halo, dear anon. ADUH KENAPA SIH MASIH LUCU AJA. Thank you for wishing me a good night; in fact, I had a good sleep. Maybe, thanks to you? I hope you're having a good one today, too. Will be waiting for you to come up since I'm really, really curious. 🥺

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