Tiny Little Dragon · 1y

Ooh I’ve been reading a few of ur p5 fics and u are definitely the ceo of akeshu & top goro hnnnngggg. Anywayzzz I don’t kno if ur a multishipper (& like bottom joker in general) or if ur strictly akeshu only but I wanted to ask ur thoughts on Maruki x Akira? I feel like there’s some good messed up sad potential there 😳😳😳

ahh thank you so much haha, i honestly just write what i like and share it with others!!

as for your question, i guess i'm a bit of a multishipper with primary focus on akeshu? generally i'm very partial to bottom joker, especially when it comes to the girls (if i can't peg him they will).

i did consume a little bit of marushu stuff, but mostly bc the fic authors were that good haha. not my personal cup of tea but i can see the appeal!

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