Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

voxtek victim · 8mo

I'm curious!!! How did you get into "brain drain" fetish and how do you find art of it out in the wild?? I'm glad I found your account because I was like "THERE'S A WORD FOR IT? FINALLY!", but all I seem to find elsewhere for braindrain is like... bimbofication hypno lol. Do you just "make your own food" so to speak or are there keywords I'm missing? Also since braindrain doesn't seem to be a common kink I'm curious how yours convergently evolved... I'll admit before I found your art that I hadn't even considered taking chunks of/the whole PHYSICAL brain out before.

oh my. uh. honestly brain drain is embarrassing for me to talk much about but i’ll do it for u. it just is extra special horny to me. for how i got it… saw some similar scenarios on cartoons and it devolved from that. and tell me about it, i was surprised there was a word or anyone making art of this. i don’t like a majority of the art usually though and much prefer just drawing it myself. keywords are usually things like brain_drain, brain_removal, neurophilia. let me tell you the latter is me fr fr anything to do with the mind/brain makes me senselessly horny. always happy to enlighten ppl on this kink although it embarrasses me.

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