Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

nonnie · 1y

i know we gush over kaveh's booty but lemme raise u .... kaveh having a chubby tummy!!
haitham has two hands, one to grope that ass and one to squeeze that tum. kaveh whines and pouts but he not-so-secretly loves it (especially when haitham will gently caress his belly)

WAIT THAT'S SO ADORABLE N LOVE THIS....consider....haitham giving kaveh's waist small kiths....and maybe blowing a raspberry subtly...and KAVEH GIGGLES AND ASKS IF HAITHAM JUST DID THAT AND HAITHAM IS LIKE MAYBE BUT HE'S SMILING THEY'RE SMILING AND THEY'RE IN-LOVE

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