lily // calico · 27d

hi hello i'm bored also no way!! if ur down we should so vc and play something anyway i see you reposting a lot of the sonic comics i am curious to know ur favorite ones or favorite pages

HII sorry ive been Doing Things.. heh. WE COULD PLAY SOMETHING MAUBE IDK..
i loveeee idw comics .. i LOVE the infection/crisis city/tlm(the last minute) comics and trial by fire(thi that ties in to the imposter miniseries i think? i forgot).. omf... battle for angel island was peak too btw. did u know theres a forces one made by ian flynn (THE GOAT!!!!!!!!!)?!?! its #awesome. one of my current favorites has to be the latest issue because OUGHHG its riders themed and i love sonic riders. i also love pretty much every issue in idw (and some archie ones..whatevs)... though theres also the scrapnik island ones which i LOVE the artstyle too.. HAVE YOU SEEN THE STYLE?? its so cool looking.. THOUGH BACK TO THE INFECTION TYPE ONE / S. dude oh my fucking god the metal virus saga on those comics drives me insane even til this very day IT FUCKING MADE ME CRY AT ONE POIJTN IT WAS INSANE . :frown: the way metal sonic (annual 2020 btw) was hesitating before dipping his hanf/finger into the metal virus. :frown: .. he hoped he was the real sonic, he wnated to be sonic ,, he was willing to infect himself to be like sonic just to get some sort of closure . of course, it didnt work since hes metal sonic , hes metalic, but still . he realized and stood there defeated in that said realization and it was SO SADD I MISS HIM I LOVE METAL SONIC . also literslly EVERY PART WITH CREAM DURING THAT METAL VIRUS SAGA. IT WAS ACTUALLY SO UPSETTING .. shes just a baby brah.. shes a little kid and she had to watch so many people around her get infected. people she loved and cared about . EVEN HER MOM AND CHEESE(HER CHAO) GOT INFECTED PROTECTING HER DUDE . I FUCKIFNG HATE IDW COMICS DIDEIDIEDE IDE THE METAL VIRUS SHIT ACTUALLY DRIVES ME INSANE ITS SO GOOD BUT IT MAKES ME SO ILL AND UPSET . SAVE ME LILY SVE ME.. also dude even shadow gets infected by the metal virus during that shit its so fuckign insane(tho lowkey i hate the idw shadow in the metal virus era because they did him SO DIRTYYYYY.. his 2nd time coming back actually sucked but shhhh HSHHHH SHHHHHH ITS OKAU..((coping))..)

ok im gonna stop yapping hi lily

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