Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Hey Wan :3c it’s Oz…I had a question. Do you have any Helrol HCs or like first date ideas I really wanna know how u think of them giggles

Hai Clint :D Okay so with the business booming more than ever Helen takes Carol to all sorts of expensive places for their “girl hang out” as they would call it to enjoy themselves like Casa Bonita for example. Tho tweek is left to work overtime for his mother absence :3

Carol feels bad because she can’t rlly repay Helen for any of this tho Helen keeps assuring her that she doesn’t need to but Carol overall feels kinda useless & feels that Helen does all this because she pities her for being the poorest woman in the town when really Helen just loves her very much & wants to see her happy & not be miserable in that lonely house

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