Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

アノニム · 8mo

Boleh nanya ga? Cqeritain suka duka jadi bfr atau di rent world dong bang. Saya mau coba nyemplung tapi masih kaga berani..

boleh dong! pertanyaannya suka sama duka, ya? kebanyakan sukanya sih kalau menurut gue, apart from meeting friends who are like talent, we can also meet people who love us. when it comes to sadness, what i feel is that sometimes myself feel that my energy runs out to meet people regularly, therefore i have the anticipation of taking a break every month. nyemplung aja gapapa, nyemplung pelan-pelan. sini kalau mau tanya-tanya lebih bisa DM ke twitter atau chat lewat telegram ( aja.

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