anon :3 · 10mo

thoughts on the eiyuzu and watatori dynamics


both of these dynamics were first considered as the members who knew each other the least and i think its very interesting the way theyve grown to know each other. eichi and yuzuru fall into the noble and butler trope, but I can appreciate eiyuzu's dynamic more than tori and yzr's by the way its handled. eichi works to actively push him past his stagnant self. tokenyo rings a bell for me because eichi knows yzr so well he used tori, who ties him to his role as a butler, to get him into character. eichi's insane fucking plan drove yzr to know that he does want to be an idol for himself, and sets up the idea that yuzuru does not have to only be a butler. yuzuru has grown into fine and i do believe eichi played a major role in that (along with wataru), but eichi made tori a member of the student council not for tori, but for yuzuru. eichi has seen the potential in yuzuru and has actively been trying to draw it out of him. eichi is soo important for yuzuru's development and yzr threatens eichi with violence. they are cute

the wataru and tori dynamic is very interesting with the underlying brood parasitism metaphor that is attributed to them. tori was the one to drag wataru back into his unit activities in flowerfes. i am sure wataru did not expect a pink thing in his unit when he went to eichi in blackbird. wataru also did not find him all that interesting, and is more interested in yuzuru. tori does not like him at all at first, which is a reoccurring theme with wataru. but... when eichi upsets tori in jingle bells later on he cries out for wataru. eplink is the first peak of their relationships, when tori begs him to stay in fine. they both grow to love and appreciate each other, and atlantis is so good for their development. to me atlantis reads as more truthful than his monologue in phantom thieves, and while wataru does not see tori as an equal to him, tori is close to him and i think their friendship and the growth theyve had with each other is sooo important to both of their characters. in short i really think the individual dynamics within fine have all been fleshed out even between the characters that used to not know each other

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