anon :3 · 9mo

going to piggyback ride off of that question about eichi/yuzuru and wataru&tori. what of your opinion of wataru/yuzuru and eichi&tori...

my bad for this being so late 🙏 eichi and tori have a strange relationship where for the longest time tori idolized him and wanted to catch up and be just like eichi, but we are starting to see tori realizing that eichi's way of doing things isn't always the best, that he isn't perfect, and that he is prone to hurting others, including tori, for his own gain. atlantis really sets up bigger parallels between their personalities and the difference in principals. i think in the future the differences between them will cause more conflict that will address and resolve eichi's sort of shitty treatment of tori. i like their dynamic i hate it romantically. quite literally ruins the entire meaning behind their relationship

wataru and yuzuru joint therapy who cheered. they both wear masks but for wildly different reasons, and both i think can help each other feel more comfortable and wataru can guide yuzuru in development im begging please. i think one day we will be blessed with a gacha story of wataru giving yuzuru an acting lesson and yuzuru's acting prowess is expanded upon more and wataru is dethroned for a third time as "theatre guy". i want more content i feel like there isnt... a lot... compared to the other relationships in fine

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