anon :3 · 7mo

what are you writing rn if i may be spoiled :3? and what do you have plans to write in the future, if any?

the current thing i'm working on is focused on wataru and suppressed gender dysphoria. tbhh i dont know if it's going to see the light of day ^^;; initially i had plans to write this as a <500-700 word warm up but the more i thought about it and the direction I wanted to take it atm i think it'll probably be somewhere around 1k words. without revealing tooo much the general overarching idea is about how wataru creates a persona and how it relates to his gender identity and expression. have you ever noticed that wataru plays a lot (or entirely, i can't remember ^^;;) of female roles in es1......... juliet x2, stepmother/godfairy.. anything else im forgetting.. and his line in rocket start about how all teenaged boys like to crossdress. ok wataru whatever you say my liege. TO ME, i think it would be interesting to explore the idea he was repressing his transness everywhere but on stage, where he quote "can exist in this world" (or something adjacent). wataru suppresses his negative thoughts..... somethig somwething abt how this correlates............ i think w the start of es2 and wataru giving his mask to eichi he has become a lot more true to himself and less hiding himself under layers of masks and walls and everything else to keep people out, which is the perfectt time to also have a gender crisis. im so wataeipilled so eichi is involved as Usual, but he isn't the main focus.

for other plans i have to write...... i have about 12 (unfortunately not an exaggeration) wips that most likely won't get touched on. some are nearing a year old and i think i would take psychic damage going back and reading them and editing them. i dooo have some major wips but i'm still unlikely to finish them just w characterization issues. i like elaborate and insane aus and i had an idea for one that has eichi as a literal dream eater visiting wataru in his dreams and eichi's intentions are questioned the entire time. i dont think i'll do anything w that. i still want to write a second chapter of my shmk mermaid au since i think it would be well received and maybe provide a bit of closure. not a big reichi guy but w the crossroad anime it made me think about the idea i had for an early-mid es1 reichi tea party involving typical eichi psychological warfare questioning rei on the new old man persona he's donned. ive had veryy miscelleanous ideas for eiritsu and i reallyy wanted to write teaclub featuring wataru and it goes absolutely horribly

thankk you for the ask and your patience ^_^

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