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freaks ☆ · 25d

would you consider yourself to be pro-fic, or at least agree w some of the points they make?

not particularly? ive spoken to people from both sides of the pro/anti thing, and like they say the same stuff to me except one group is personally uncomfortable with pros out of their own boundaries and triggers while pros are annoyed and upset that antis misrepresent and dehumanise them. i personally think graphic media should be more carefully handled, and alot of pro-ships tend to get a little too comfortable with taboos, and i dont think its wrong to say we shouldnt try to encourage peoples parafilias so carelessly, i dont particularly hate them, but i also dont particularly agree with how they handle things, and how easy it is to find triggering content accidentally. but i also acknowledge most kink comes with cognitive dissonance and that realistically someone into cnc doesnt support r*pe/r*pists, ect ect im somewhere in the middle

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