Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

freaks ☆ · 24d

Its me again and sorry about the very agressive asks the other day I got panicked really quickly and acted on impulse. If we are talking about the personal life of a person then it depends a lot but the ageplay/ddlg community isn't exactly the friendliest that's all i wanted to say. I'm sorry.

i didnt mind at all! it would be hypocritical of me to consider the feelings of victims/non-predatory ageplayers and not also consider the feelings of people who have experienced trauma and abuse from abusers ect, i think its fine and normal to lash out when someone triggers you, and im sorry for being a trigger for you: and im also sorry for not being more careful about how i originally handled everything. i dont engage in the community so its not something i can speak on much, but i tend to be uncomfortable with alot of them since they tend to be a breeding ground for abuse,

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