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What is your experience with gender?
it's a question I'm happy to get, in a way... I guess I'm glad when I'm given enough credit as a thoughtful person, despite being cis.. lol. I have my own experience and reality of it, a complicated relationship with my body.
As a child, I hated a lot of things of being a girl... assumptions and archetypes, styles of toys and clothes. I refused to ever play as girls with my toys or LARPs, only ever assuming a male role, and insisted I "didn't know how to play a girl". Though... I always fantasized about being a female animal, in the private sexual fantasy sense. Mostly my own body/visage was only interacted with in a practical way... clothes suitable to run on all 4s in, so, I hated dresses/skirts, or things too fancy to get dirty. I wore sneakers and capris and T-shirts, like any kid, really.
As a teen... I guess begins profound hatred of my, features, face, body... not only for being human in general, but being exactly the visage of human I was. Feeling like a sculpted pile of mashed potatoes... I liked women a lot, but I felt like quite a gremlin in comparison.
It isn't until my early 20s that I consider if something about how I present myself or identify could be some kind of solution to the deep miserable self-hatred well. At this time, a lot of people around me and in the online climate of places like tumblr, were coming out as NB or trans in some way. While I knew trans people in middle/high school (very sparsely, mind you), there wasn't anything about the idea of testosterone which held any appeal. 'Nonbinary' presented me a possible new way of seeing myself ... ? I felt like-- such a failure of a girl, a female, whatever, and I felt like I could never become 'sexy' or 'pretty' in the way a girl is. Could I harness a greater sense of self-image through finally excising this 'girl'ness entirely...? Maybe I had gone about it wrong... I just wanted to feel less miserable.
but Absolute non-starter... I played with the idea for a little bit, but it only made me feel more miserable and agonized about the things I "just couldn't" be, couldn't escape. I didn't want to be, not a girl, I just, longed to be the kind of girl I could revel in being... or even just tolerate being passively. Exist without so much turmoil and self-hatred. Pivoting into anything nongirl only made me feel like a failure, or like I was compromising, backed into a corner... it only made me feel more resigned and helpless. Walking away from femininity only because I was too mid. There was also some small sense of shame of course, that I'm honestly not really interesting enough to thrive in something like another gender or whatever. Accepting "I just want to be a pretty girl, afterall", I felt dumb as a post, I felt basic and of course, like I didn't deserve any kind of pity or sympathy in it. It seemed like the kind of thing that intrinsically pisses other people off to mention, discuss...
I uhm, finally made efforts into "the kind of girl" I wanted to be... acquiring dresses, skirts, tights, tall boots, growing my hair out... finally started feeling something--!! I let, my fursonas be less ugly and weird looking haha, more feminine and delicate or at least cute. Even my artistic depictions of myself for ages were, barely fantasies, I couldn't connect myself to the idea of the kind of girl I wanted to be without misery and shame...
I met my husband in my mid-20s during this kinda era and, he absolutely swooned over me as some Goddess of girlishness, of course he didn't see me as any kind of failure or imitation of girlness. That really helped my confidence...
But ah *stares into the stars* what even is gender, to me...?
This is only my personal view, but the thing about the categories of boy/girl/nonbinary/agender/voidgender etc, is that these are all equally human social constructs to me. None of them represent something more 'other' than anything else. Human boxes, human ideas. Even very modern ones ...
When thinking of 'nonbinary', I felt still too excruciatingly human... and like it only had a different slew of impressions, archetypes, expectations, etc. I didn't feel it let me 'escape' anything... it held all the same degree of trappings as 'girl', they were only different trappings.
In many ways, I dislike... the reality of existing or being seen at all. It's been a long time to accept I exist or can be seen. As a child, I just didn't want to be observed whatsoever.. positively or negatively. When I say, "I'm [IDENTITY]", the other person's head will always swirl with preconceived notions, associations, assumptions...!
When thinking of gender, I had to get very practical and pragmatic about it... how other people were seeing it, in discussions, as almost a kind of spiritual or meaningful identity aspect, something internally true like a religious epiphany, didn't really grock with me... it's only a social impression, a human symbol, a communication, and often a subtextual one. What did I want out of any of it? There would be those notions, associations, assumptions, with any answer.
The reality of sociality is... I like being very visibly a girl. I like when I walk behind a girl on the street, and she turns around, and immediately calms/softens, realizing I'm a girl. I like getting into the elevator with girls... I like complimenting eachothers hair, accessories, shoes... being asked for an opinion on a top in a thriftshop... basically, it turns out I actually like the stereotypes and impressions associated, as an adult who can more often than not just choose when I need to completely detach (as a child, I was constantly overstimulated). I feel I 'step into' girlness when I have to do an errand. I like to speak delicately. It's an appealing performance. Even the unflattering social impressions, don't feel wrong, lol. I like the kind of girl I represent... I like putting this 'type of girl' into the world. I realized I could choose to do that, and SO... I did!!! I no longer felt 'resigned' or 'helpless'... it was my choice to pursue this, and, reap the rewards of it.
I feel being any kind of human is a sort of performance... I would like to be a manic pixie dream girl, then. Something genki and silly. Maybe a Marceline, playful but a bully... or a Lapis, troubled but unwittingly graceful. Or a Nene-chan, dumb but earnest. Pathetically though, I needed someone to love me, to see that potential... to be charitable to my 'options' at all... in the past, I'd have shriveled and died to even approach the idea of being a Lapis... it would be too painful, too unobtainable... as impossible as being a squirrel, quite frankly!!!!
Privately I-- do as I so please!!!!!! I can be a shota, I'd like to make a shota 'sona this year, I have plans to. I like to be otouto~~ intimately with MY HUSBAND!!! I find I can enjoy being anything... because *his* perception of me *as* a shota, is of course not unpleasant... he understands my crucial Avvy-ness. There are parts of me that are, Tsukasa, Asriel... little brother, big brother. But, these aspects absolutely don't want to fucking post on twitter or go to the grocery store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would get NOTHING out of being Asriel or Tsukasa while escorting my husband to a medical appointment... I would even describe it as a kind of sick torture for them. Asriel and Tsukasa exist only in the company of Kris and Amane, they get nothing out of being perceived by anyone else ... and because terminology isn't a prescriptive checklist of things you do or think, none of this makes me any less of a girl, because I say so... my feelings are that I don't want, to be assigned something like nonbinary or genderfluid by others at a distance ... it feels as much an imposition as girlness felt to me as a child ... "because you exhibit XYZ thing, that means you are this social construct"... I'm more content being seen as a modest delusional fujoshi. When I see girls like that, I feel a great kinship. I don't want my strange brain or hobbies or fantasies to diminish my girlness... it took me so much effort to get there.
I guess when I think of the wide world of fantasy, imagination... my 'gender' alters as much as my... species, race, weight, instincts, hair color, temperament. It's just, gender is the only thing we culturally have defined as in some way, flexible... my way of thinking doesn't alter a public perception of my species or race or weight or something. When I am Tsukasa... I don't feel any critical dysphoria about having a pussy... but instead, I feel fussed by the texture/weight of my clothes, or, the scent on the air is wrong... I long for things like, tatami mats under my feet or a heavy silk kimono on my shoulders. If I'm Asriel... I most wish to express with that strange mouth, but, really, he's content to be in a world he's the same species as Kris and not divided by so much.
The other night I was talking to my husband about, identity... that even things that are 'true' about you, don't always become a part of your 'identity'. In reality, so many aspects of his BPD are more critical to represent and express than like... being fat, or Colombian. Even though those things are inescapable IRL. I feel this about my ah, social aversions. There is an 'Avvy-ness' which is not contingent on gender, any more than a billion other factors ... but that doesn't like, erase what I say I am socially, either... it's my choice, after all, that aspect.
I guess being a girl for me represents harnessing that feeling of having agency, choice, not being forced to reckon with the consequences of my appearance... but deciding I could just become something I liked to see in the world. Annnnnnd I accept if that sounds dumb coming from a cis person ahahaha... (:
at least once, a trans friend said to me, that he really liked that one could enter the gender cave and come out as anything... that the very act of navel-gazing or overthinking didn't make him trans, but that one can find anything within the cave, even the same thing they went in with. I liked this notion... self-discovery, can look like anything....!
hello! when can we expect your commissions to open again?
I had hoped for midmonth opening another slot, but unfortunately my current project is taking me longer than I thought, and I'm delayed by appointments ><!! (I like how it's coming out, though...)
Nonetheless my current hard deadline for my current project is the end of this month, and I'm at a fine pace for that deadline (I just like to finish things much earlier if I can help it...). So I'd expect a slot in January.
I may or may not want to investigate if anyone wants a Livly Island comm though first priority >>
I hate how you only get One revive ticket because I can't decide which gacha to choose >_< too many good ones.. any recommendations?
as far as I understand there are 2 opportunities in a year otherwise to get another revive typically, via lottery (and my understanding is the lottery for that is more favorable than the terrible odds of jumbo lottery for rambles). I've randomly seen a JP girlie suggest next month they expect the lottery for a revive to occur... ??
Anyhoo, my recommendation is actually to just be very thorough and technical about it....!
Look at every expired island-- you might be able to do so easier on a site like this
1. note down the top islands you'd like to revive!
2. Look at BOTH the HOM and island sides thoroughly! If you'd only like HOM stuff or only like island stuff, it might not be a good candidate. Try to find one you like both fashion and decor for! Ideally, you'd want to maxpull both sides >> (aka save up 20k GP for)
3. literally count the items you'd like to have from either side. Do this for any island you're considering.
4. the island with the max # of items you'd use on both sides... wins!!!!
Hello Avvy! Would you have fun sharing any pondering you have on the kitakami siblings of poke scarvi? I'm very curious to hear what you & WHIM have been up to, in regards to them
I can do my best to give the flyover view!! ><!
On the surface, Kiki reads to me as the type of boy who has little to no self-awareness of his own feelings, more liable to fester in an abstract indirect representation than confront anything, even internally, about his insecurities. I don't think he has words for what he feels or why, in the practical sense. The Oni myth & running into the mountain repeatedly as a kid, to me, are the wayward impulse of something like runaway urges, and at times maybe even suicidal ones! Or if you will, nonspecific self-destructive pangs. Just, not in a way he's conscious of, or looking at directly. I like that Kiki, a quiet shy whisp of a boy, connects to a supposed monster that is rumored to have attacked the whole village. It's a red flag so to speak. Running towards it and believing somehow they could connect, understand each other, says something about him.
The actual mountain area Kiki apparently scampered off to as a kid, is ludicrously dangerous looking, absolute nightmare to imagine being an even younger child in the terrain, or even simply the lower mountain areas of Mossui... I think we can logically understand why Carmine has become overbaring & protective of Kiki, constantly standing in front of him. She was having to track him down and drag him home from precarious cliffs and gorges filled with wild pokemon, water to drown in, goodness gracious...
Kiki is someone who dilapidates into self-depreciation at the drop of a hat, so I'm sure being able to, at any moment, slip out & then be surreptitiously saved by his older sister searching doggedly for him, soothed (but did not heal) some insecure corners of his poor mind. Oddball balm. Something reliable. And a fantastical dream to redirect whatever emotions he has, into. Focusing on the Oni, means not focusing on himself. I think he's the sort of unstable where actually looking in the face of what is upsetting him (like his sister becoming annoyed or bored with him, or abandoning him) would render him like, catatonic, so, it's necessary to divert.
I find it cute that Carmine attempted to wingman Kiki into having a single friend. Her otouto she does absolutely everything for at school, who is always hiding behind her...
its cute how quickly Kiki goes from "fine with this" to "excited by this", going so far as secretly informing M/C of how hard Carmine attempted to find a mask for M/C to wear at the festival, kinda welcoming him into the fold, to immediately concluding you two are making fun of him behind his back. Hardly anything has to happen for Kiki to feel like a third wheel, and like nobody likes him over each other...
If we imagine the Oni myth is just this obsessive coping mechanism to divert like, 1,000 complexes into in lieue of having to emotionally confront more difficult & impossible things (more impossible than finding bigfoot and being her friend, yes), ouuuugh having it simply usurped by M/C, urrr you understand how he gets unreasonable & crazy & loses all of his mooring. I just don't think he can even handle having to address or understand what's underneath all of this...
MEANWHILE, on first playthrough I simply saw Carmine as so flop at handling her unstable otouto, BUT, on reflection, I can see her side of things... she was wingmanning Kiki for HIS sake, and somehow, after it all going so well (slay, win for Nee-chan), it suddenly goes worse than she has ever seen or is even familiar with from Kiki (flop, fail for Nee-chan). As much as its highs/lows for Kiki, it's such for Carmine, too... going from helping her otouto & seeing him so happy, to seeing him MISERABLE.
Carmine bringing up puberty, & the fact she was kind of waiting for a behavioral change in Kiki, is so ............ intriguing to me. I like that Carmine is the kind of nee-chan who is only only doting of her otouto, but trying to get out ahead of & anticipate the 'next step's and plan what she'll do, or be ready for them... didn't wanna be surprised by Kiki changing, surely she wanted to mooove like waaaater and simply be gracious & adapt to whateverrrr puberty might change of her clingy, sweets-loving, storybook-fixated otouto... but uhm, it's very funny then how mad & frustrated she is with him instantly, in practice. Despite the desire to be chill........................ I think she can't control how much its like, UGHHH I DID THIS FOR YOU!!! KIKI!!!! He's such an ungrateful brat suddenlyyyyyyy, no recognition or appreciation of her efforts,, she is not gracious about it. UGH!!! What-EVER!! Being unable to even UNDERSTAND what's up with Kiki, puts HER suddenly in a very scary situation, one where she can't reach Kiki at all. The Mossui siblings seem to simultaneously make eachother feel rejected & unimportant... unfamiliar. They both just snap about it all.
NOW... the, Champion Kiki era, augh it did immediately make me forgive nee-chan haha. She looks so helpless. Puberty has come to roost upon her Kiki and he has become violently unfamiliar to her ... she wants to be again, patient or, gracious, wait this out, but, it others & isolates her from him. Suddenly she can't even communicate with him. If she can't coddle or soothe Kiki ... how does she coddle & soothe herself? There's no balm for Carmine in all of this, and she might be more cognizant of how important the gestures of repeatedly servicing Kiki were to her own self-worth. Carmine is a very arrogant & confidant girl, she knows she's beautiful & skillful, but... that doesn't seem to keep her together while Kiki is defecting.
Again Kiki just has like 0 emotional self-awareness and funnels his complicated emotions into something very physical and literal; running up the mountain in the night is replaced with uhhhhh running around the terrarium, doing reps, training. Not sleeping not eating. But this time, Carmine can't come find him cowering in a cave, drag him home & feed him sweets from her fanny pack... rejecting the comfort!!!!!!
I like that even his nervous gestures & speech changes, which makes this all seem like such a concentrated, tense, willfull effort to become 'different'. Killing the Kiki from before, replacing him--!!! With something else!! This time it's just entirely about control ... which is much closer to the root of Kiki's complexes, than event he Oni was. As a result this is much more volatile & self-destructive. He's edging closer and closer to the fire inside his heart! Burning hot...
I-- think there's something intoxicating for him about the sense of control & change, something in his grasp, the power to alter something. But I think previously, this control wasn't entirely passive... making your sister come chase you up and down the mountain, drag you back in the night... was surely an act of control, forcing Carmine into being more & more attentive, diligent, observant...
I wouldn't say Kiki is entirely and only self-hating, because he was obsessed with the Oni and found it very 'cool', and also related it to himself. It's that paradoxical ego & entitlement finds in... the BPD ♥♥♥♥ isn't it so cute...
But I dunno the universe kind of validates Kiki in a way, he does instantly rise to Champion, he is in my opinion an objectively better competitor than his sister (his battles are always more difficult...), he is composed of a crazed passion the likes of which Does Not exist in other's hearts. It burns him from the inside out but, it burns brightly, big engulfing flame, swallows up others, steals all the oxygen from the room. I like this for him........................ he's not exactly wrong to be so egotistical.
I would like to think he's always aware of his sad-faced sister haunting him at the academy, in his periphery as he trains & battles... I'mmmm sure that's kind of like a perpetual sensation of being chased up the mountain. Again, I can see why it's addictive & why he wants to sustain it just like it is. He can create a situation his sister is constantly worried, constantly thinking about him, constantly trying to 'bring him back home', but he can stay at a distance, keep her on the edge of getting what she wants from him (any comfort, any appreciation, any recognition, any love). Honestly that frame of mind, should make him at least half-hard ambiently. I think of Champion Kiki as, suddenly getting rock-hard in his dorm, intoxicating sensation of keeping his sister dangling on a string, no longer feeling passive at all, usurping control over her in a much more meaningful way. Her entire mood, is his. She's not recovering from this, she has no relief, she has no comfort. I don't think he can jerk off or even 'see' this machination so directly (perhaps I could describe it as a hot fog in his skull), but it can make the endless tasks of ranking up rewarding, feel '''''goood''''' and like he's on the right track, closer to satisfaction. Really really think doing this to Carmine is leaps & bounds above anything he's done before. & he can maintain the illusion that he's doing nothing to her at all, save his dignity or fear of rejection. Appear aloof to her, like he doesn't care. The ultimate scenario for someone desperate...
I reaaally could have been convinced Kiki's complex was more about M/C if only it were not for that final confrontation over terrapagos... ahhh for one, I love that being isolated around Carmine, away from the school, for like, minutes, immediately starts working on him, revert to old gestures & delight & childishness... oouuu your sister is moe isn't she. NO!! no. Aloof...
As he's finallyyy cresting his frustrations head-on, Carmine attempting to praise him for how much he's done, how much he's accomplished, is FIIINALLYYYYY what makes him snap directly AT her, SHUT UP!!! And he suddenly is talking about how she "warmed up to" M/C so "quickly"????? It made me go OOHHHHHHHHH oh no... haha.
Kiki!!! It's too simple... seeing his sister liking somebody, is such a dramatic 'change' in what he 'knows', to Kiki, it's not about his own change at all... Carmine is the one who changed on him, became unfamiliar, frightening! Made him feel isolated, left behind...! Unwanted....!
IT'S JUST SO UNREASONABLE THOUGH KIIKIIIIIIIII--!!! He takes his delusional perspective-- this dramatic sensation of something being taken from him, his sister-- and reverses it, creates for her the dramatic sensation of being taken from her, unfamiliar, unreachable, different... ! To Kiki, it must feel like 'getting even' to rob Carmine of her familiar Otouto... because she took his familiar nee-chan away, first!!! SHE STARTED IT!!!! She didn't want him first--!!
It's so moe... Kiki~~!! That's not what happened at all... but that's his perception, so that's his reality, and he's only doing what seems reasonable in retaliation. It's deserved!
Anyhoo... I think all that coming out is all the Mossui sibs needed.
Shoutout to Kiki, he literally gets exactly what he wanted out of all of this tantruming....we love to see an irrational king winning... I was gobsmacked at Carmine seemingly taking a gap year with him in Mossui (I have no actual sense of time in these games, but it's the festival from the beginning of the games again in the final DLC leg??). He threw such a fit he sent them both back to their hometown to reassure their bond with absolutely nobody else between them. What a beautiful conclusion, I feel like Kiki didn't even actually have to learn a lesson. If anything it feels as if Carmine had to learn something. Do Not get distracted ... making 1 close friend is dangerous. Kiki won't like that.
And to say, some words on Carmine, she is a funny funny girl. She is objectively gorgeous, but also of course, as much of a social reject as Kiki... her, demeanor, turns people off, the Mossui siblings are definitely both repellant to others, respectively... weird, offputting. She has 0 self-awareness in her own way, parallel to Kiki, doesn't perceive her isolation or lack of friends as any sort of failure or even something to be self-conscious about. I don't think Carmine even feels loneliness though, or wishes she had friends at all.... nobody is interesting, or good enough for her. If people run away from her, its definitely because they are intimidated by her, she thinks... because she's so beautiful and impressive. I-I like that she just kind of says this sort of thing, and I guess Kiki growing up just has to be like, nod.
But by the end of the DLC I got a chill down my spine, when Carmine is being Carmine, and Kiki says, "sorry about her..."........... WHAT ARE YOU, HER KEEPER????? YABAIIIII, DON'T BECOME AWARE YOUR SISTER IS SOCIALLY REPELLANT AND WEIRD--!!! He's way too powerful, what--!!! I knooow the whole bit is that Carmine used to say like, "sorry about him" when Kiki was acting up, but oh my god... YOU'RE SUDDENLY THIS CONFIDENT?? THAT'S TOO MUCH OF A CHANGE--!! you're AWARE your sister is flop and fail, just like you, now?? The vacation was a little TOO reassuring, Kiki is becoming cocky...???? You understand your sister is like, unimpressive,, I'm worried Kiki is too aware of his own power & capabilities & her attachment to him... CARMINE!!!! I'M WORRIED FOR YOU!!!! Your otouto has realized you're, what, not out of his league...? NO--!!
going where no otouto should ever go....
Oh yeah, it's really funny the final stupid DLC garbage pecharunt stuff, Kiki only reaches out to you to make you Scooby Doo Gang his problems... it feels like M/C has suddenly become just a useful asset to call upon. He's no longer insecure about your ability to accomplish shit mad effectively. Please catch the legendary, idgaf. Could not care less about all of this. Insecurity not whatsoever tied to this. Spent a gap year alone with my sister, I'm calm as the river. A little too calm some might say. All the proof one needs that his problem never had anything to do with a meaningful fixation on M/C, or the Oni. His problem was sense of control, over his life, more specifically with his sister.
That he hasn't bothered to contact M/C seemingly at all before this is. funny and telling... too Busy alone in out in the country with my big sister who I've deprived of love and affection for months just prior. Reaping what I had sewn in my fevered delirium.
On the whole.... there are a lot of intriguing places in the timeline, to play with the Mossui siblings. Kiki is... such a frantic character, so unstable, one can go in any direction. It's very easy to imagine him raping Carmine, with modest tweaks to the timeline. He's so unaware of his own feelings, while also being terribly led by the ghost of them; that makes him dangerous & impulsive. He's not actually practiced in repression at all, because he's not even addressing the urges. I don't think he has much wherewithal to resist temptations once they finally crystallize... this is a boy whos fannypack is canonically filled with candy. For a lot of his life, I think his sister has mostly handed him the attention and services he cries for, only occasionally reluctantly. There's entitlement and obligation dripping from that kind of dynamic. And I don't personally feel Carmine has much power to resist him, because she's only familiar with the pathetic Kiki tugging at her shirt.
But I like romantical & slowburning routes too. Coming upon the realization he's in love with his sister, could be a slow, dawning thing for Kiki, when they return to Mossui. At first, everything is all comfort, familiarity, reassurance... but things are different. He became familiar with a capable, violent side of himself, & Carmine no longer sees him the same way, either. He's more aware of her attachment to him, and just how much she will still love him through. He saw her helpless, wanting for him. I don't think Kiki would have any prior experience in just lazing around, thinking about his feelings, walking through his mind... finally doing so, just observing his own emotions, could become interesting. There's less fear of what's in there, paradoxically... because, his sister proved how unconditional her love for him is.
For Carmine's end... she does comment with self-awareness of being overprotective of Kiki, so she's come out of this with a little more power of reflection. I think it always felt like second nature to her, to dote on her otouto, especially with their lack of parents. She formed her habits around Kiki's neediness, meeting him there. Not exactly a 'choice' but just 'how it is'... now, it's er, in a way, a more willful choice...? I imagine she'd have more anxiety than before, & unfortunately, Kiki can observe that flitting about under her expressions, when he responds more distractedly, or his voice drops. Interesting. Sister really is in her own way, helplessly attached. The fantasy for control, was plainly achieved. Kiki can pull her strings, can see where the threads attach...
Er, no matter what, whether it's something violent pressed upon Carmine, or something Kiki gently eases against her, I feel Kiki alone holds the power to alter their dynamic, make it romantic, sexual. Carmine, I see as focused on the status quo, acting in service to a familiar, comforting closeness between them... and, I feel this is kind of childish of her. Oddly, when Carmine comments on Kiki's puberty, she also muses that hers wasn't like this, that she never acted out. I believe her. But, I think that's as weird of her as Kiki's journey is to him, in the opposite direction. I ............. don't see Carmine as someone who even thinks hard about sexuality, or future relationships .............. really, guys are typically repulsive or annoying, whether it be a Drayton or a Crispin it's all a wash. I think Amarys has a crush on her & Carmine cannot see it whatsoever & it would only be a strange inconvenience if she did.
Carmine being essentially a TA at Blueberry and very busy with Ms. Briar's tasks, gives me an image of a girl who is just trying to secure a stable, reliable future for herself and her otouto (who needs a lot of caretaking). She's said to not even have time to become Champion, even though she holds the skill to do so. The accolades & clout is just not as tempting for her as the credit of a teacher's recommendation, which could lead her directly into a favorable job position. . I don't imagine she indulges many hobbies or any clubs. Her priorities seem to be just taking care of things. I do Not think she thinks about her virginity or fucking around ........................
Which, you know. Even Kiki could finally become aware of.... he got so scared, because, his sister just Liking someone was so alien, so bizarre, it threw him into histrionics. The very roof of the meltdown is the unrealistic stability nee-chan previously offered, which he didn't think twice about until it was threatened. Now, thinking of her getting a boyfriend, would be, terrible, uncomfortable, to internally address,, but I think he could weather the concept inside of his own mind, and dwell on what he feels... and what to do about it. I would like to think his repression & refusal to see his own feelings, to divert into the Oni and then into Championship, would indicate he's never, ever crossed into this thought before. It would have melted his face off before he got to it, before...
still hot, painful, burning his palms, now, but... he has the power effect change! Now... daaangerous, why did we teach Kiki this??? And now he's gotten just what he wants, all alone with his sister back in Mossui ??!?!!!!??! it's such a terrible inevitability, Kiki is definitely going to have sex with his sister... she has no say in the matter. Good luck, nee-chan!!!! I'm worried about Kiki's indominable spirit and ability to get Very Good at things he's determined towards...
[pausing] anyway thats what we've been up to (RPing). I feel like at worst Kiki rapes his sister and at best he coerces her-- ??!?!? i-it can end sweetly though, I promise...
Hello! I've been thinking of your response to an ask about "play" lately. Do you have any pictures of Static, your plush collie, that you would feel okay sharing? I hope he is doing okay these days!
sure! I do have some photos of him I took years ago on a walk.
Isn't he so handsomes! If you'd like to see what he looked like new, his brand is 'Douglas' and I believe his tag name was 'Chase', so 'Douglas Chase Border Collie' on ebay or what have you will reap the same plushie! You could also though just look up 'Douglas plush' and see a wonderland of delightful beautiful plush. I had a lot of plush by that brand as a child. I think it's a great example of a specific era of patterning for children's toys... a golden era in my humble opinion (and I collect vintage plush so I like to think there's some context!!)
He used to be very fluffy-wuffy, of course now his fur is quite matted, flattened, thin! But I think the kinkiness makes him look distinguished and svelte... shows off his long neck and deep chest! I consider him such a gold standard of playable plush. He's so floppy and posable, his pattern is elegant and simplistic, without fussy detail, but a strong silhouette. The shape of his back legs/haunches always astounds me, such an inspiration. His paws are simple, without thread sculpting to distinguish digits, and no pads on the bottoms. By comparison, I think plush by Folkmanis for instance go a little too hard on the detailing and lose personality or style. I'm not into airbrushing either...
He's doing as well as ever, he's so well-made that, other than the fur gradually thinning, he's never lost an eye or popped a seam... he still feels robust and stands up nicely!
since kurome and volg are both somewhat batlike, do you enjoy bats themselves? if you do, do you prefer mega or microchiropterids?
It's a little complicated! I like a lot of bat traits and I enjoy bats ecologically (it's so interesting whenever anything evolves flight capabilities, and it's really interesting mammals managed to do it in their own way), but anatomically, I find them kind of unpleasant to dwell on....?
I do have strong feelings about flight (I have a lot of dreams I'm flying, I guess..) and, among all the various ways it evolved, bats probably have my least favorite method ... the compromises to the mobility of the body overall kind of destroy the aspects of mammals I cherish so much. The very things that make them uniquely intriguing-- like the backwards-facing legs of dangling fellas, or the permanently-tense fingers, the taut tense wing membranes... are the very things that make them pretty unpleasant to project into, and not really attractive. Genitals also look kind of like cartoon graffiti penis, unfortunate. And the mating doesn't ... look like much ... now does it ....
I've drawn bats plenty of times, even of my own accord, but I wouldn't say they're really my fav.
Among those that I like the best, I like more terrestrially mobile bats the best, and for some reason I do really vibe footage of bats scrabbling around on the ground or hop-bouncing. One must imagine the flightless bat what is becoming more of a long-armed mouse... that would be the dream. I'm more interested in predatory bats than fruit/nectar-eating, so I lean microbats! I like the wild adaptations towards insect-eating and the overlap with insectivorous birds like nightjars. I like a lot of bug-eating nocturnal things in general (:
I do ENJOY how absurd vampire bat anatomy is to accommodate their bonkers diet, and the on-the-brink lifestyle I can only compare to like, hummingbirds or some voles. I like that they mouth-feed each other blood and are more or less constantly pissing. It's unbelievable that a mammal species really evolved to rely on blood as a foodsource, and it's very inspiring (from a worldbuilding perspective) how they've janked up the digestive system to BE so particular. It's a testament to... something!!! I think about their whacky digestive system in ways when conceptualizing Gold Cloud.
Volg reminds me a lot more of a pterosaur actually, which have my favorite evolved form of flight. The big pointy head even reminds me of them!!! While Kurome.... I dunno! I don't think they are batlike in more than a cartoony silly way, and they avoid all the things about real bats that I'm not very into. It's not very meaningfully batlike to me... even Hempuku Jincho kinda avoids the central things about bats I'm not into aesthetically....!
Oh yeah... I also think bats are just one of those animals that, like birds or cetaceans, I feel just Cannot make a good anthro/furry. The anatomy and proportions are just so specialized that you lose everything when tacking on human traits...
you as a fish/any marine life :3
two questions from me! one: what are some of your fav species.? two; do you have 1-3 fav marsupials ? :3 🍃
it is so hard to narrow it down!! I'll think of general groups and then try to name standouts within those groups, to be concise...
I'll start with marsupials though because that's a much smaller list!!!
NUMBAT :D oh its like an incredible regional variant of a squirrel which eats only termites. So beautiful and so enchanting to see, such an interesting look for this niche...!
BILBIES :DDD YAAAY one of those creatures I could make up in my dreams. mmm another long tongue freak eating spiders... wonderful.
those would be the top 2, honorable mention to gliders and quoll (: I do like wallaby... but they can't beat numbat and bilby...
If I were to be super concise I'd probably say very vaguely, my fav animals are: parrots, mice, squirrels, moose, weasel...
I love parrots/cockatoos/psittaciformes a lot, overall... from broad ecological niches to individual species behaviors and rituals, I really feel a kinship...! standouts would be...... hyacinth macaw (SUCH gorgeous proportions, has that charming lumbering, slow thoughtful touchiness large macaws have... like grabs things with foots slowly...)... golden conure (such wonderful courtships)... and gang-gang cockatoo... (such a powerful beak, short and stubby)!
I love bovines, broadly, so much! I like the temperament of large ruminants, the slow calm energy contrasted by that heavy power, that confidence, and arrgh I love things with intense ruts... while small ruminants have the same qualities I love in rodents/rabbits... some standouts... bison, buffalo, many domestic breeds under that umbrella but distinctly barrosã cattle (the gender dimorphism of these, is PERFECT, I DON'T KNOW HOW ELSE TO PUT IT!!), black wildebeest (my god, fantasy gorgeous... mythical...). I love things like sable antelope, saiga, dikdik.. oooo dama gazelle sooo pretty!
Similar, I love moose very very much, another one of those "the perfect gender dimorphism" animals. I really love their courtship rituals... I wouldn't say cervines are super high in the grand scheme of ungulates for me, but their largest extant member is ideal....
Rodents are an obvious faaavorite of mine overall, it's hard to narrow down to specific species of mice and squirrel....! And JERBOA!!!! On the whole my preferences lean to arboreal squirrels (not big on ground squirrels, though I do love the common chipmunk!)... ugh I love guinea pigs too, such precious faces, and I watch a looot of guinea pig herd channels because I love their interpersonal dynamics! My favorite thing about social rodents are their relationships, expressions of friendships or fussiness. Of all the pets I've had, I think rats are the most special... they are just so wonderful, their hearts and minds are so complex. I never really felt like their 'owner', I felt like their weird friend (: That perfect amount of independence and interest, but able to get mad at you ahahaha. I like things that command and act out like rats can...
Lagomorph, especially haaares...!! I also like very large-eared domestic breeds like english lop...
VIVVERIDS!!! gennet, civet, linsang, binturong...! I don't know where to begin, the movement, and lifestyle, habitat... expressions... one of those perfect things..
random standout of SPRINGHARE!!... one of those very twitchy anxious things, very funny oddly square head, unique jaw, very interesting proportions. I'll always remember being spellbound learning about them as a child. Still pretty rare to find good videos of these... and almost nothing in the wild...!
MUSTELIDS are a huuge fav group overall, of predatory animals I think they are my favorite. One of the largest, the amazon river otter, gosh, one of my favs! Incredible proportions, I love how close to the front of the face their eyes are, their marbled throat markings... things that hunt in shallow water like mink I connect with a lot and loooove to watch videos of, when I play in shallow water I like to pretend to be a mink!! Stoats unbelievably tiny and fierce... Malayan weasel just so spellbinding, very recommend looking at...
martens (yellow-throated...pacific, American...) marbled polecats.
uuughh its never ending, *mongoose... ring-tailed mongoose...!! bushy-tailed and white-tailed...
if it's shaped like that, imagine I must logically love it I love this kind of weasely predator always! I feel foxes are relatively close to that ^^ foxes and tanuki are very up there, particularly grey foxes !!
uerggghhh I like horse behaviors and relationships SO much I watch a lot of videos about thissss, but distinctly I really love uhm, things like Kerry bog pony...! and other moor-dwelling breeds with unique traits suited to life in the moor.
CAPRA gooaaats, I like markhor and wild goats but my favorites are actually mostly domestic breeds like the Valais blackneck! Ah I adore the terrible harassment male goats bring a lot, just one of those abysmal rude boy animals I am weak too </3 going to ram everything and piss everywhere and be a major pest... </3 and I simply love low udders suchas this.
I like a lot of monkey and lemur lots...! marmoset like the golden-headed, black-tailed, goeldi's, gold-and-white... for lemurs its very hard to narrow it dooown but lemuroidea
anyway despite the list being this long I'm going to forget things. I actually like a lot of apes... overall I love to read and watch documentaries on such things.
I love herons, distinctly the blue heron... egret, distinctly cattle egret... arggh waterfowl, particularly Canadian geese (love their vocalizations). I feel like I could write an equally long answer just about birds which is like, RIP we don't need that... some other standouts, razorbill, barn owl, hornbills, aracari...
Sealife is like [dies] I can't do that it's too long BUT UHHH predatory tunicates, feather stars, sea lily....!! pulsing xenia coral.... sea lions... *steam coming off of me head* SHRIIIIIIMPS!!!! pipefish... brittle stars...
Where does the handsome Netatsuzaru sit in your rankings !!
urrgghhh I forget 1000 livlies literally I like SO many of them, I was already agonized not wanting to include too many omfg... netatsuzaru is extremely up there, I LOVE IT!!! JESTERRRR!!! CLAWHANDS!!!!!!! veerryy very cute animations, bouncey playful silly thing.. and its plusterin has a longer noooooose, so cute!!! in love with it, love mine, named Bell-sama.... my ranking wasn't in order of preference anyway though, like idek how to compare my love for them all, I just become obsessed with any given one for a day it feels like... argh argh argh...
while I'm mentioning MORE LIVLY ofc Hilo Pumilio is huuuuuge, SO precious sooo cute, I can't believe its from some Jpop band collab ... I looove its scamper run, I love its anxious staring eyeball, really perfect to represent Whisker, so mine is named Whisker... the only flaw is I wish it was smaller, so I made mine very small with the angel hair bugs...
I tried to keep my list to things where I liked a looot of categories, like noises + animations etc, but gosh I really do love sooo many Livlies, so much!!!! So many I own and so many I yet still want to own...................... and so many to anticipate from the old game AND so many potential for entirely new ones ruruughghh its like if Neopets were still currently releasing new species;;;;;;
what are your most and least favorite livlies? what would your ideal livly look like? and what are your favorite island sets?
he's just so fun. I love this kind of head shape so much!! He feels VERY early 2000s too, knowing he's from the old app makes so much sense out of his design. I really like the simple appealing markings, too... suuch cute animations, I like his sleep and sits holding face poses.
caught my eye immediately, I love her little ZIM hands, and the noise she makes sounds so fussy... her little foots kicking up in her animations, her crawl, all very precious! She's made from the energy of beloved stuffed animals, and a moon-viewing ceremony... nod nod...
a kind of design I feel like I never see, something bipedal like this. I really adore the animations being rabbitlike, twitchy, visibly breathing very quickly, looking around... the sharp teeth inside the mouth are rodentlike, and dark in color, like a dark green? SO captivating, I love watching my Hoprex.... the ear shape is very classic avvy I feel, that kind of smooth swoop, something I would have drawn as a teen. I really love the markings, very animal.
kind of unexpectedly stole my heart... such a beautiful face shape, I love how lowww the arms are, how therefor big and long the chest/neck area is. When he goes to stretch, so handsome! I like the large, lumbering, calm animal feel. It contrasts things like HOPREX and HAMLOT so well! Breathe slow.... deep....
she is so beautiful... a goat in a petgame is so special!! such a cute choice for a unicorn type of creature. She has such a pretty face shape and looks like a soft blanket. Tiny tiny hoofies... I like her kicky and raise head poses, and her horsey neigh despite being gote.
such an unexpected fav... I think if I were looking at a static list of Livly, this teddybear-like creature doesn't hold much interest... but there is so much to love in its animations, its behaviors!! I love the darting around, nervous eyes, scampering, pressing its horn into the ground to feel vibrations...! So unique and so cuuute! I love that when when you pick them up, they hiss... ooo a finicky feeling nervous animal. wary...
my first Livly... ohhhh sooo perfect little puffball, very rapid tiny breaths, tappy tappy paws, playful tail, prefers to be held by strong tail and not body. Cute asymmetrical spot... such a perfect design!! Simple perfection! I love how the coat color changes with bugs as well, I love the gradual loss of color, and retaining hues in the stripes on the tail.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Juraphant, Bizoo.... love them dearly.
she is so forehead... I like her animations, though, make me laugh. Her funny little slay step. I would not want to ever own the forehead goat though.. unfortunately Hanapakike really upstages her, and has even cuter animations... I'm so sorry girl...
ughhh it feels obvious and unfair... she is so ugely... she has no appeal...unlike pakike, I don't even care for her animations... now on the old site there was for some reason a more slay version of her that was just, prettier...? why did they make you minimaku mukune... I'm sorry you look like that
in this world where we have many teddy bears, Kumpa is the least of all of them... I can't even see myself personally owning a pygmy or neo pygmy, but they are a little more distinct for me, especially the neo... Kumpa really look like he would be upon a candy wrapper... very, basic panda. I am sad the fussy/bad temperament trait was given to it, I would really prefer that attitude on any other Livly... I like fussy animals...! sigh...
ohhh I just get so sick of seeing 200 of them all the time,, it feels like everyone has a Volf.. .I wish I could go and play the game before Volf exists so I can see what people have if they DON'T have the Cool Wolf option. I wish we had Orff instead of looked funnier.
I think when I look at it without hate in my heart, I would like to interpret its anatomy as surprisingly more rabbitlike or even mustelid... the old model walked very close to the ground and flat on its foots??? I like how prone to sit... I know kid Avvy would have liked it a lot, her heart likes ninetales. But in the modern day Im like "I GET IT EVERYONE LIKES A COOL GOTH WOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and immmm bored... I feel no real delight when Volf is selected, its like OK... whatever.... but when I see someone has a Hanamaki or Hana aruki, I am like INTERESTING!!! HMMM!!! I SEE!!! Im tired of seeing slay vampires with their slay 3 wolves all big on the screen... get a rat already!!!
its just so big it frightens me when someone has 3 of these and multiple people on my list do. So big. It carry the Hom in arm when paired. Sometimes they not smile and stare off vacantly and Whim and I cannot determine why this is... when this is... frightening. I respect however that Japan respects, the ogre/oni concept. Nods nods. The important creature, its cute to feel fondness for it, when I see girlies with their beloved pink Ogre I am like, you must be an interesting girl... [afraid of the big man] [must get my little rat out of here]....
honorable middle category of 'like the air, doesn't exist to me' are Otsuno Watake, the sheep ... its kinda like Kumpa to me but, it's cuter than a panda at least and a lil more inneresting to see... but I liek can barely remember it is there.
Hari Nikoge is so Just a Hedgehog like ah almost no bells or whistles it is so direct, as a result I forget it is a livly... I don't see it much either. I wish it just had a lil more pazazz to it, a lil more silly or wild... like a really fun animation or something... longer snozzle to snoffle with... longer ears.... anything. Leafs me wanting....
MY IDEAL LIVLY!?!?!?!! HMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! ahhhhhhh I would like something rough-coated, furry, big... something hulking, beest... visibly breathing heavy, deep, mouth open... I really like Furdot's bespoke markings, I would love to see something with perhaps alternating banding stripes all down the body... or something like diamonds all over like a liepard, or triangles...
In the old Livly Castle, there is this large, dragonish platapus like beast, which resembles mushicho...! I really love its proportions, almost mustelid like... I wish she could come back in some form, even just a derivative Livly that is small!!!!
OHHH MY OTHER IDEAL LIVLY IDEA IS LIKE SWIRLIX OR A FURBYYYY I want something with only 2 feets, fluffy, I would love it to bounce around and float kinda like kemari floats hehe... I would like parrotlike animations and behaviors!!!! do a little dancey...!!!
Something skinny/tall would be very fun, I would really like something stork or heron-like! The only birdlikes we have are very round and smalls, I want a loooong neck! Much like Madarakaga has fur despite looking reptilian, I'd be charmed by such a birdish livly with distinct mammal traits like fur, eors, fangs....
Surprised nothing has a tanuki-like flavor...made out of fuzzy balls connected.
Favorite island sseeets....
well, the first revive I got I used on the Gummy Flower Seedbed...
I loved the lore of it, about trying to experiment to create a superior Livly species, by utilizing sentimental, beloved objects, like old plush toys... the Gummy Flower sprouting from this. It has a perfect colorscheme and a very unique vibe. I like when things really tie into Livly Island's research facility angle...
overall, I love FREAKY DESIGN's islands often, such as the Mandrake one! Which is another bizarre, isolated research facility of dubious intentions...? It's just so unique and captivating, a lot of totally out-there looks and accessories.
Some islands are more predictable or what you'd expect from a dollhouse... I like curveballs. Even if I wouldn't necessarily want more than the tree from this, I really like to look at it. I like the colorscheme a lot! Pink and green and gold...
I like the lore of the Love Laboratory island, though I don't see myself using any of it. There's a lot of ominous text about dubious research...?? All the heart monitors and heart themes.... it's very spooky and nefarious seeming, why is the Love Laboratory like this, what were we doing here, how are we defining love... it's not as cutesy as you would think... very stimulating. I like that Hamlot comes from this, iyaaa she's made of love... ! alchemy..........
Lolita Crafts Island is a faaav I really wanna pull on some day! All the lore is just two sisters playing crafts together, making things.... the individual items will state what the big sister and little sister made... who did what... very sweet, feel fond of it, imagining sisters playing with Livlies together... I'm not usually into lolita fashion, but I feel this island leans more to simple, cute, childish looks and not so much the almost gothic abundance clutter kinda look of more high tier lolita... feels more like what some kids could accomplish.
Not sure if you've already talked about doing them, but would you consider taking commissions of livly x hom? I love to decorate my shota and his beautiful strange dog
Are you the type who ever makes new friends? Or is it more that all your friends are people you've known for years?
I'm open to making new friends... and recently (however recent that is...) I have started talking to a few new people consistently. I'm slow at it and take a very long time to warm up like a feral cat.... but if the other person is not easily discouraged, I am interested in getting to know or just chat with new people, and see what happens.
I'm mostly friends with people I've known for years, yeah... most people in my life, I have known for 7-10 years. And the number is small overall ...
Do youuuu like canines? A bit of a silly question, but i would want to hear you squeak about it
Nah, not much compared to other mammal groups.
precursor: everyone do me a favor and don't reply to this with what dogs mean to you and why you love them................ I prommy I already know............................. I already 'get it'.......... its fine. I don't need to be explained.
It's partially an oversaturation thing; at this point, it's a little exhausting to see/interact with/draw, everyone is a dog, everything is turned into a dog, everything in animation acts like a dog even if it is a horse, everyone is a puppygirlboy, so I feel like I want to represent and express other animals as often as I can. I'm more likely to take on a commission inquiry for something like a donkey, than a wolf. I wouldn't want to do a feral gangbang of all street dogs or wolves, or something; I would say no to a request like that. At the very least, I prefer canine x something else... like, a collie x sheep would be cute to do.
They aren't all created equal though, and there are canines I like better than others. I enjoy foxes a lot obviously, and their kin, tanuki!!!!!! I like maned wolves, and african wild dogs... ! It would be fun to do any piece with these, some day.
when it comes to canines, I particularly dislike the undifferentiated everyman 'it is a dog' archetype you see... the vague spitz-type, wolfish coyote husky gshep thing... I have difficulty drawing it, actually. I have an easier time with very specific things. I'm often not really sure how to proportion something like this in my own style, without just drawing something boring or flat. I really hang my hat on traits like 'has long, thin legs' 'has big, clunky paws' 'has a short, narrow torso' 'has a wide, barrel chest' etc, etc. But even the 'most specific' wolf/dog/coyote is low tier compared to things like ungulates, rodents, basically any bird, felids, mustelids, etc. Like, I would say lions are low on the list of felines for me, compared to other species like serval or bobcat or snow leopard etc, but that's still miles above in preference to a wolf or husky kind of thing.
I don't really feel much about wolf or coyote pack structures or behaviorism, either ... I don't connect it to myself. I've read a lot, don't get me wrong... but, it's not very stimulating.
I like some breeds of domesticated dog more than others ... I like rough collies a lot lately for some reason, and always fond of large, fat faced things like newfoundland or st. bernard. Things like brittany, japanese chin, munsterlander, are of interest.... my basic thing is border collies for sure, a childhood fixation that still lives in me, I quite like to draw a border collie still. I enjoy sighthounds.
As for real life, unfortunately I have found over the course of my life, I do not like being around dogs. I liked them as a kid... to play with them and be around them, to spectate, etc. But somehow growing up, I've become only more sensitive and, I find the scent of dogs really, REALLY REALLY bad, it has become very gross to me! It REALLY lingers on everything and feels like a thick film over my skin I have to wash off... a kind of oil, greasiness.. And I have no real tolerance for the mouth odor... or the shlappy mouth noises they make a lot... and barking, is so terrible...hurts my brain. By comparison, I like the odor of rats, guinea pigs, very soothing to me, even the stark ammonia of rabbit dwellings. I've found I like horse smell too... ferrets also smell rather nice to me. This kind of thing is all about preference... I don't find all odors are created equal. Dog is just quite nasty...!
As I've gotten older too, I've... lost all my faith in dogowners and, dogs I meet... the amount that are, neglected, and have completely broken body language due to poor training/communication, languishing in confusion and expectations; I find myself often very depressed in the company of dogs, while they often throw me mixed signals, strange body language, bleeding insecurity and uncertainty in their every motion, completely undersocialized with both dogs and humans, so often an animal so unsure of itself due to lacking the grounding a pack animal really needs ... no structure. I pity dogs lot in life in America, a lot... such a staple, everyman thing, that ... nobody thinks they need to do anything special, or learn anything, to have one.... it just, is there, and, you own it. Many people do not concerns themselves with communicating clearly and consistently, or on its own terms. I feel like dogs do their best to meet everyone halfway, but the result can be so frankenstein.
I often feel pretty weird interacting with dogs... and often the circumstances are not favorable, like someone on a property we lived on had an unleashed, unstable unfixed dog presenting a danger to everything around it .... living rural, a lot of people just kind of ... let their dogs show up ... wherever ... as a child this was like wheeee random event, but as an adult, I mostly feel concern and fear haha. I know now that even people who own a dog that has attacked people and other dogs, live often in denial and are poor reports of their own animal's history. Dogs that I knew for a fact attacked both people and animals, would be offleash with a flippant owner saying "he's friendly, don't worry". I don't know any random dog's triggers and aversions ... and chances are their owner doesn't prioritize them either.
All this to say, I'm not a dog person. I don't hate them, I don't resent them... I feel very bad for dogs, I wish their lives could be better. I don't think I would ever personally want to own a dog... I do not think I, the human being that I am, am even social enough to properly support a dog's needs WRT other companions of its own kind and familiar exposure to a wide variety of humans. I'm way too much of a hermit...
do you have any thoughts on Vocaloid?
not many and nothing really nuanced! I get a bug every so-often to listen to some classics, and I really enjoy watching MMD videos, which results in of course, listening to a lot of vocaloid songs.... but God I'm really just there to watch a CG little puppet of Amane do jerkoff motions and shake his hips...... :F the music could be anything eh.....
I remember when vocaloid came to be, and it being such an intriguing innovation, internet abuzz, but ultimately none of the characters or aesthetics were... anything, to me. As a teen I always had to sniff at anything with a shota in it ON PRINCIPAL, but Len represents nothing I like about shota flsdf;df... Miku herself might as well be a... gjinka of a keyboard.. or a candy box mascot... milk commercial icon.... she's like the air... nothing to me. Never amused by art or permutations of her.
I like MARETU and KIKUO as producers of things... I know there are some specific, permutations of voices that I like, which have specific names or aesthetics, but, I'm honestly no good at remembering; my husband is probably much better at producing a list, as he more actively likes that genre and listens to it quite often. While I OCCASIONALLY get a bug to listen to some things, it's not really often. Not too huge on ... ? modern electronic music as a genre ? or EDM ... aaand I don't listen to Jpop.
since you are talking about disney related stuff, i've been meaning to ask you if you had heard or had interest about Onward, Big Hero 6 or The Good Dinossaur movie, or even the Disney Fairies Franchise. In my opinion its by far the only recent medias made by Disney/Pixar that i fully indulge and i find you could had be done more for it but it was cut away, probally because it wasn't seem as profitable. But i feel like this movies really had a lot of care put on it and it really resonates with me!
I've heard about every Disney movie coming out because I exist in the world... LOL.
I'm sorry, my opinion on almost anything disney is going to be pretty negative; I don't really recommend asking me about them... I'll be honest in my opinions but they will be disappointing.
Onward: quite ugly to me, and I dislike this kind of world/humor... do not want, I won't watch it. This is not my genre of brocon at all!
Big Hero 6: funnily enough, rewatched this recently! I have to respect that this movie did more for the fujoshi than many modern things. Doujinshi to this day. This time when I watched however, I was distracted by how Honey Lemon puts in the effort to pronounce Hiro's name in the japanese style (though unfortunately she flipflops and pronounces it American-style later, than again correctly... so I don't even know if that was a directorial choice or just a choice on the part of the VA?). I also got an odd impression both her and the purple-streaked girl wanted Hiro carnally, anyone else get that. I would sooner stan Honey Lemon, she seems more like the kind of vibe he needs. I don't think he needs a kool tuff girl. However as a movie/story I think it's not good, the usual sloppy & incomplete theme/message I see in all modern(ish) Disney. A lot of hollow scenes, timewasting, filler, predictable. I care a lot about narratives about loss due to my own experiences with it, and this one definitely doesn't convey anything important on the subject, and doesn't seem earnestly concerned with doing so, so much as just being a superhero movie that happens to involve a loss. Which is kind of typical of the genre. I don't really go to anything superhero for moving tales... or significant messages...
the Good Dinosaur: I have powerful dislike for dog mannerisms being used as shorthand for 'animal behavior', so the kid acting like a dog annoyed me and wasn't cute or funny... I felt like this was a very straightforward western genre/trope movie, which isn't a genre I like, so I didn't like it. However I had a friend who LOVED westerns and adored it, so I can't say what is a fault of the film VS me just not liking the genre itself. You could probably show me the best representation of the western genre ever and I wouldn't like it. I don't think there was ever any chance for me to enjoy it. I would actually say similar of Big Hero 6, as superhero films are not for me, generally.
Disney Fairies franchise: I haven't watched any of these, but I'm familiar by proxy. I'm glad they made it and it seemed to service a solid demographic which appreciated it a lot. I like the uhmm plot of the sister movie, it amuses me... sisterlove that cannot be.. parallels to a romantic relationship between a king and queen... I love it when things do this.
I have a funny headcanon for it all though.. those movies are 'prequels' to the Pan movie, which makes one wander what the fuck happened to Tink to make her reduce to such simplistic, unreasonable behavior despite all the nuance in Pixie Hollow. I like to think she wanted to separate from the fairies one day, adventure on her own, and their godqueen was like "no, if you leave the, moonstone or whatever for far too long, your mind will deteriorate, and you will soon only feel 1 emotion at a time, and may never be able to find your way back! Do not do this Tinkerbell!" but Tinkerbell is like fuck you I do what I want!! And therefor she falls in love with a little boy.
I would like the fairies franchise to come back, but it should be more no holds barred and get crazier. I still probably won't watch it however because I feel nothing for little fairy women .... I uhmm don't need to look at it. But it's good for the ecosystem... like Barbie movies...
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