Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Rockstar · 3mo

Kai, i want to ask (and inform?) you about something. Your telegram's profile states your birth year and i wonder if you do it on purpose..? You seem to be hiding your real age, based on your carrd. so, uhh, im informing you just in case.. 😬

n. jangan direply deh, biar gak muncul di page retro.. preventing people from stalking your profile.

Hello, I appreciate you for the good intention and kind approach. While the one in my telegram profile isn’t intentional (someone told me about it too but I forgot to put it down), I don’t really hide my real age since I sometimes state it on some SPM. I am open to let them know if it’s necessary, as in to match their age etc.. so, all good! Thank you for informing. :]

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