Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon :3 · 2mo

G walks in on dn4p fauxcest and immediatly thinks it’s weird and gross and tells them. But then he KEEPS walking in on them bc… it’s also lowkey kinda hot… not that he would ever admit to feeling like that but y’know…

dn4p arent even ashamed when he comments on how weird it is and they try to explain it to him but he says its still gross and leaves. then they keep going. every few nights he hears them at it again and he pretends to walk in by accident and stays for a bit longer each time. until eventually hes sitting at d's desk in his room, hand in his pants while he watches S get fucked by D, S moaning about how he loves his big brother's cock inside of him and D moaning about how he can't wait to cum inside his little brother again

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