Anonymous Coward · 2y

Omfg you ship PZA??? Do you have any fave fics or art or headcanons???

OH BOY im so stupid for pza. my favorite fics ! <33
pza get together fic by crownofpins. reread this morning <3 18+
also pza get together fic but it hurts soo good. by surveycorpsjean. i've been rereading it over and over. 18+
zag time travels to trojan war fic ! by the impeccable luddleston. obsessed with their other fics too. 18+
achilles fighting theseus for zag. I LOVEE THIS ONE. by stygius !
kiss kiss messenger fic by hermesbabie !

pretty sure there are more but i forget to bookmark them sometimes :(( so thats all for now

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