Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon. · 6mo

Good afternoon, Cal. I'm glad to hear that you'll be taking care of yourself today. I've also eaten lunch so far, and drank plenty of water. What did you have for lunch?

I hope your dear kittens feel better soon, it's always a sucky feeling when our loved ones are sick. Would you tell me their names? Do they have a specific breed or are they a mix? I'd love to know more, I absolutely adore animals.

I don't have much to do today, just idling around as usual. I might take a walk soon enough if I have the energy, though. I can't think of a TMI at the moment but I stayed up until 3:30AM last night if it's one. Oh, do you like tea or coffee perhaps? (since it's the afternoon)

Awaiting your response,

Good evening, K. Same here—glad to know that you've been taking care of yourself too. I had vegetables for lunch today: such a carrots, sweet corn, long beans, and etc. Actually, I've been getting kinda sick of eating vegetables constantly for the past few days, but I need to. How about yours? What did you have for lunch today?

They don't have names yet. Actually, they're not my cats, someone dumped them near my house, and now I have to take care of them. I don't know the breed of them, but I really hope they're healthy at all times. Do you have any?

It's all right, K. I've also don't have anything to do these day, other than taking care of the kittens. I've been idling for the past two days, before finally returning to normal activities on Monday. Really? Last night I also stayed up till 4:00 am doing nothing. It's too bad, though we might have more time to talk last night. It's nice to have someone to talk to in the middle of the night, right?

I prefer coffee. I'm such a coffee addict, but I should drink less coffee. How about you? Coffee or tea? Or do you like matcha instead?

Awaiting for your updates, Cal.

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