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Anonymous Coward · 4d

Megumi in vibrating panties! Being told to wear them for the whole day, humiliation when he does finally cum

Anonymous Coward · 4d

Megumi gags so hard on cock but what else does he gag on? Sukuna and Gojo are more than willing to find out and are shoving fingers and the like into his mouth 🥴

Boy do I have a strong suspicion about who you are anon LMAO
BUt yes. Let them experiment and try all kinds of things. They start small and work their way up from pens and fingers up to vegetables, fruit, and then the real fun stuff. Telling him to get it nice and wet because his mouth isn't the only hole they want to use

Anonymous Coward · 4d

hi this is not a request or smth I'm actually just delusional and need to get it off my chest I'm so so sorry but I cannot get the image of your omega sukuna bitching naoya out of my mind. Like I want to see that knot-minded mutt get pushed up against a wall and fucked untill he cries😭💦 bonus if sukuna tells him he's going to get naoya pregnant or like fuck a baby into him idkkkkkk man HELPSS😭😭😭😭😭😭
anyways I hope you can tell I fucking love untraditional I wanna print it out and put it in my mouth🥹

The way I should not have opened this at work earlier. I almost audibly made an ungodly noise because why is this them? It's so them 😩😩 it's their date night after a long week at work. Ropes. Blindfolds. Red marks. Bruises. Toys. Multiple orgasms. Begging. Crying. Orgasm denial. 😩😩😩😩

Anonymous Coward · 15d

hi wimsi!! I have two questions (if that's fine ^^;)

1) will you ever write tojibara again? I found you through that one shot you wrote and have loved everything ever since (just curious, no pressure if you don't have any intentions)
2) would you mind twitter DMs?

Hello! Of course it's fine ^^
1) I do have an idea somewhere deep in my priv with Toji x Nobara and car sex (something about Nobara went on a date which sucked, she asked Megumi to pick her up but Toji did and showed her how a real man treats a woman or something ;)
2) I do not! I can't make promises on how quickly I'll respond to them (time zones for one (I'm going to be nodding off for bed soon), work for two, and life for three :( ) but yes! They should be open ^^

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

how we feel about Megumi cutting into Yuji and using that hole to ram his cock in and cumming in him

oh. I am having very mixed feelings about this but uhhhh fucked up megumi ruining Yuuji? 🥴🥴 Please tell me Yuuji's crying throughout all of this, begging him to stop, blood smearing across his skin the more he wriggles and tries to stop it from happening in the first place. Oh. OH

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Hey Wimsi, sorry your not feeling well! I'm glad you're getting the grace and space you need from Socmed. I've been figuring out how to write more for myself and let myself be bad at it. But it's slow going. So...
Grumpy Omega Sukuna pt 3
Sukuna stares yuuji down with eyes bright and possessive, taking one of yuuji's gym shorts and inhaling long and deep. "I'm using them brat. You got a problem with that?" Yuuji does, half his closet is gone but he's not fighting an almost in heat Omega for them. No sir

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

I hope everything is ok!! if you are just taking a break, enjoy it and hopefully u can relax!!! whatever you have going on, i wish you the best!! ❤️

The short answer is I'm not okay but I will be! Thank you for reaching out anon 🫂💕 I hope you're doing okay at the very least 💖💖

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

your twitter's gone? What happened?

Hi anon! I'm not in the best headspace right now and I need a social media break for multiple reasons. I've got some zine and bang stuff coming up so I will be back. But until then I'm stepping away from twitter for the sake of my mental health 💕💕

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Sukuna being hunted down by Vampire Yuji, the moment he's caught he's staring up at his dear brother with fear and pleading for him to remember. It doesn't work, Yuji sinks his fangs into Sukuna's neck feeling the taller male thrash under him in an attempt to get Yuji to stop

GOOD MORNING TO ME HELLO 👁️👁️ Yes. PLease. and the fact they're brother's. Oh there's a story here. How did Yuuji turn? Is he freshly turned and that's why he's not thinking when he's hunting his own brother down? Or was he always like this, maybe a family thing, but it missed Sukuna? And when it finally hit Yuuji well, who better then the person he's known the best? PLEASE THERE'S SO MUCH TO UNPACK AND UNDERSTAND HERE

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

The fact that you could make this about true form sukuna and he'd STILL be smaller than Mahoraga... oh my

👁🫦👁 hnnnnnnn yessss please. Omg the image of OG!Sukuna gasping and whining, writhing as Mahoraga grinds into him. Hnnnn OG!Sukuna face down on the floor, cheek pressed to stone, skin flushed as he's yanked back and forth by every thrust Mahoraga makes as if Sukuna weighs nothing i have a need 😭😭😭

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Think Mahoraga could shape its cock to perfectly fit Sukuna without ripping him apart?

It can now 😩😩 can I also suggest it slowly making its cock bigger over time too, making Sukuna adjust too 👀

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

As Sukuna reaches a second high - the wheel turns once again. His own seed dribbling down onto his face as Raga let's go of him - only for it to grab him by the hips and pull Sukuna into it's lap. Turning him around so his feet rest at it's neck and his head right on top of its crotch. It spreads his cheeks and finally - finally - he can see Mahoraga reaching it's slick-covered tounge out to lap against his hole.
i just, overstim kuna, yes pls🤤 just manhandling him around im going insane🫠🫠

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Duly noted🫡 AND YESSSSS❤️❤️ Sukuna pulling on its wings and wriggling his hips, begging Raga to give him more. But it doesn't. It just pulls his legs together in one hand, his arms in the other to still him and keeps going at the wheels pace 🤗❤️

Firstly, I am so sorry for taking a while to respond. (I caught some kind of bug or something and work completely wiped me out yesterday)
BUT YESSSSS 👁️👄👁️ Sukuna tugging and pulling, digging his fingers in harder, yelling that he's the master here, Raga is supposed to listen to him god damn it. but oh OH he doesn't realise how helpless he is, how weak he is in comparison and Sukuna doesn't quite realise he's at Raga's mercy because the pleasure is just so fucking good.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

I must spread the ragafucker agenda okookokok😩😩😩😩😩

And spread it y ou did 😩😩😩

delicious. exquisite. simply beautiful. please feel free to leave more horny ideas like that in here again.

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