Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

pen pal darlings · 14d

ka jen thank you for being born into this world, bringing with you countless beauty and light. you have created works that not only touch hearts but also open minds and inspire so many people. every word you write, every idea you craft, becomes a bridge for us to experience the world through your unique perspective. Your creations are invaluable gifts, connecting us in an endless journey, inviting us to imagine and reflect on life. Thank you for enriching this world with beauty that will never fade through your works. semoga ian sama iel menjadi keluarga sakinah, wkwkwk. salam cinta dari akuuuu.

ISHHHHH aku jadi sedih ih (in a good way), baby though i cant return your words karna aku bener bener dibuat speechless sama ini but do know the amount of love i have for you is beyond infinite. makasih banyak my sweetest angel for took your time and saying this, aku akan usahain untuk ngasih cerita cerira yang menghibur lainnya for you 🥹❤️

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