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anon · 6mo

hiii it's a bit early but happy new years!! i hope 2024 brings you all that you wish for and more ( ノ^ω^)ノ !!!!!!!

THANK YOU!! yesss fingers crossed that the new year is kind to you too, and to all of us 💞💞

anon · 7mo

Hello! I firstly super apologize for asking about an old fic but do you plan on ever finishing Steal Ahead? It's one of my favorite things I've ever read and I was just wondering. I hope you are well!

hi! thanks for asking! I do plan on finishing steal ahead. I wish I could give you a better idea of how long it will take for the last chapter to be up 😭 I tend to work on it periodically and then get distracted by life and other things until the next time I get the time and motivation to start up again. I have 9k words of the final chapter written and I definitely want to make sure they see the light of day at least sometime next year....

anon · 8mo

hii i hope youre doing alright!!!!! it's my birthday today and im taking a break from studying for my exams and rereading gravitational reset as a gift to myself and i wanted to thank you :]

it's not your birthday anymore but HAPPY BIRTHDAY (4 days late.) thank you for reading my writing!! 😭💕 good luck on your exams... fight hard!!

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