love-cupids. Ā· 1mo

I've noticed you've been dealing with some irresponsible behavior lately, and I admire how well you've handled it. I wish you a continued stream of positivity, White. Not because the troublemaker doesn't deserve a comeback, but because you truly deserve peace in both your virtual life and real life. This might seem sudden, but to be really honest, it's been great seeing you up close. I was genuinely happy when your account appeared on my timeline as I returned from my break that time. You may not remember me, but your playlist has secured a permanent spot in my library. I hope you're comfortable with me being around, as I would never want to make you feel uneasy. I just wanted to say that I'm here, and the feeling of seeing you around is still as great as ever, even after all this time.

i do remember you, even after all this time. thank you for always there. I still listen to WYD sometimes, itā€™s just funny to think how someone I never know genuinely ever dedicated a song to me, thatā€™s very kind. iā€™d like to have another song too actually. you know itā€™s almost a year (considering the time when we stopped talking too) and i never really know you, well you know, itā€™s just sometimes youā€™re secreto and the other times youā€™re retrospringā€” thatā€™s how i portraying you:3 DONT MIND THIS THO. P.S im listening and exploring some new musics from different artist and genre, AND THAT SPOTIFY ACCOUNT OF MINE I CHANGED IT. it has issue and i cant open it anymore:(

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