love-cupids. ¡ 1mo

Thank you for the new playlists, I'll dive into them once I get home. You don't need to worry about tidying them up or sorting them in a way that you'll get a better order. As long as it doesn't affect you personally and is still easy for you to access your desired playlist, don't think about it too much. Mine is even messier than yours but I don't really care about that. Just a friendly reminder, don't forget to grab your meal if you haven't taken it this afternoon. Enjoy the rest of your day, White.

Good day, (i don't know how to called you other than sender). you’re very welcome! actually, ive been thinking since i saw your spotify profile, like “bocah sehard core ini harus berkelahi dengan playlist taylor swift.....” sorry but ANYWAY THANKS FOR THE REMINDER. don’t forget to take your breakfast as well and have a great day ahead:D

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