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Anony · 20d

Please share your myungjae/hanbin brain rot with the crowd rather than terrorise my dms

Well that's rude ...... But anyways I think mj is a very sweet guy who enjoys kissing the homies because that's what kpop is! If he could he would bring back the pepero challenge and that thing where you pass a napkin with your mouth 🫶 but more specifically with hanbin I think he liked how he goes along his shenanigans and is way more laid back than when he is with his group's mates,in other words they're both eos work wife and they fully enjoy that dynamic so who am I to say anything about it!

Anony · 20d

your top3 pairings quick!

Mhhhh I'd say:
And Maetbin (I have a deep deep..... history with them)

Anony · 20d

what do you see in jyungbin? I'm not really fond of the pair in an RPS context but I'm curious

Honestly I'm into every single hanbin ship and I bias jiwoong so it was really easy for me to get into them😭 also it's one of the rare pairings were hanbin is the one who gets babied

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