Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

fuckers (and spn anon) · 4mo

Guess who.. retrospring with be shutting down and it may not be soon but I'm still fretting ☹️ what can I do.. spnanon will be no more... and the worst part is is that my 2nd inhabitant (previously @falin) has either changed their username or deleted their account so now I can't even say bye to him.. I know we have time but I'm so sad thank you for being my first inhabitant 😔

NOOOO this is making me so sad. ill miss you spnanon 🙁... if you want you can send your socials & i wont post them...... 🙁🙁🙁 ill put a photo of sam winchester on my wall in your honor

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