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Beloved prisoner · 23d
Beloved prisoner · 24d

fynn hi!!! happy birthday day yaa! sorry i couldn’t say directly to u but i really mean it. wish u all the best ya fynn, sehat-sehat dan hepi-hepi terus yaa. seneng aja klo liat fynn seneng hehe. oh i also gift u something on your hsr account, it’s not much tho but I hope u like it ^^

Omggg maaf beloved prisoner aku baru liat😭 tadi gamasuk notifnya. Thank you so much, whoever you are🥺 I really love it. Aku mau say thank you secara langsung ke kamu tapi kalau kamu mau stay anonymous, sure I'll appreciate your decision. Semoga kamu baca ini juga ya, sekali lagi thank you, beloved prisoner! It means a lot to me ♥️ semoga harimu juga selalu bahagia <3

Beloved prisoner · 1mo

fin kapan balik rest

Beloved prisoner · 1mo

ikan ikan apa yg suka bersihbersih

Elle · 7 answers · 2mo

Please always remember that I (platonically) love you. I enjoy our interaction so much, I hope I never made you feel uncomfortable, ever. Please, always be happy, yeah?

And yes, I've asked this before. But I accidentally deleted the question (I was trying to delete something else) I'M SO SORRY ME CLUMSY— Sigh.

Thank you for the words, ela. I platonically love you too. Yes, kamu juga harus selalu bahagia yaa. Jangan dengarkan orang2 yang membencimu tanpa alasan yang jelas. Cheers!

Elle · 11 answers · 2mo

Halo, sayangku. Gimana harinya? Sudah ada yang buat kamu senyum apa belum?

Hello elle! Seperti biasa, cukup kepanasan. Yes, ada and you're one of them 😀

Johan. · 2mo

Hiduplah Indonesia Raya, 1 2 3

Beloved prisoner · 2mo

Hii, I would like to recommend you a song, it's called 'come back to me' by RM, I hope you like it 🥺

Oh hello beloved prisoner! How cutee, thanks. Sure, I'll listen to it later yaa!

Beloved prisoner · 2mo

ngab pine coba pose alay pls-!!

RUBY · 2mo

ada kevin, ada lady gaga— hy fyyn, ada waktu ga?

RUBY · 2mo

ikan hiu makan kepiting, i miss you more than anything. 💓

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