Anonymous Coward · 2y

Possessive alpha knight Satoru x omega crown prince Megumi 👀

oh ANON!! i love this kind of au so much it's just so yummy 🤤 like the forbidden love aspect? the devotion? GIVE IT TO ME!!

but talking about it more in detail... imagine if megumi is meant to be married off to another kingdom (maybe on skn's side who's shown interest in megumi AND who's the most powerful warlord... while the zenin's power is starting to wane) but satoru can't let that happen. so they flee away from the castle, turning satoru rogue, while the zenins are frantically searching for their crown prince. and then skn hears about how megumi is missing and sets out himself to look for megumi. unluckily for him... satoru and megumi are already mated and he'll have to walk over satoru's corpse first before satoru will give megumi away. skn might be the most feared warlord... but satoru is the most skilled knight in all of the kingdoms, too. 👀

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