
Das wonderpuffen

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Life, jokes, fat things galore.


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talking critter · 8mo

What drew you to sabertooths? I love Magnus and it makes me so happy to see sabers getting the attention they deserve. - a fellow tubby toofer

Thank you so much! It’s a story on its own but I chose a sabertooth because they’re very distinct, and have you seen the size of them?? They’re also native to the Americas like jaguars, pumas and myself! So why not haha

talking critter · 8mo

Deflates you making you skinny and flat

talking critter · 8mo

inflates you making you big and round

Jet · 8mo

What would you say is your favorite plus sized character?

talking critter · 8mo

Flippity floppity your belly is now my property

Cloud · 8mo

Dude ur stuff is so good I wanna scroll and like everything! Keep it up!

talking critter · 8mo

How did you discover that you were gay and the bigger things in life (big men)

I’m pan actually! But meeting others in the fandom and seeing people bigger than me made my heart flutter.

talking critter · 8mo

THE vonderpuffen???

talking critter · 8mo

You are incredible, cute, sweet and beautiful <3

thank you so much! just opened this and i’m already getting sweet stuff like this. i won’t last :’3

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