Anonymous Bnnuy · 2y

How old is Jazz? I also have a Viera WoL but I can't settle on an age for them, given their lifespan

drags out my meticulously crafted notes that included a lot of math and took me 4 hours to compute because i'm bad at math

✨Updated now with Endwalker Timelines✨

Lmao, okay, so I won't actually subject anyone to the actual math because it's very long and stupid detailed but! Jazzele is currently 75 years old as of 6.1.

The summary is: she left the forest when she was 39, stayed around the Othard area for around 15 years, wandered a bit more for 2 before eventually finding her way to Limsa. The Calamity happens another 3 years in, 5 years rebuilding and when she starts ARR, she's around 64 years old.

I know this messes with how old the twins remain during MSQ, since technically this means she's been with them for 11 years or so, but time bubbles aside, I guess I'm latching onto how Rielle mentioned she didn't have her growth spurt yet when hanging around Sid, so I'm playing around with that vaguely.

I actually have this all calculated down to months and weeks in my notes, only because for Jazzele's story, I wanted to look at it realistically for how long things like the wars would take, along with mourning periods for friends and what not, so it gave her time to be more of a wanderer and adventurer rather than just a Scion. So she has longer periods where she was actually able to take more of the world in, rather than just popping in and out for MSQ. She also does Raids and the like during this time, of course, but I also wanted to make sure she had time with G'raha to settle in before 6.0 happens too.

The only exception to that was Endwalker, which I know most people headcannon as like two weeks, but Jazz had two months - essentially things were a bit slow in Sharlayan and Thavnair and Garlemald for a bit, and it just went into overdrive after the Moon, so that's where the urgency went hard.

I think with regards to choosing the age for Viera characters, in my opinion, it really depends more on how mature you want them to be in terms of wisdom and understanding of the world and the like. Like I know some characters who are in their hundreds, and they've got a whole wealth of experience under their belt, whole lifetimes spent so far apart from being the WoL before they eventually landed in that role. I also know characters who went straight from the forests and popped right into the MSQ, fumbling a bit with the wonder that are other races and being more or less a bit oblivious and having to be taught a lot of things.

So in terms of choosing an age for them, I think it would help to decide how the character came to that sense of maturity - like did they have time to understand and explore the world before they came into their final role? Or did they shoot straight ahead immediately and it went on from there? Did they leave the tribe while fairly young, so they were still young and impressionable? Or did they have even 50 years of their life settling into their role so that when they finally left, it was like 'I'm old and this is how we did things so I'm having trouble adapting to this'?

In choosing what scenarios happened between leaving their tribe and then making it to ARR, it may help you narrow down that age number to a specific 💜

Thank you for sending this to me though aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I LOVE ANSWERING VIERA BASED QUESTIONS VERY MUCH, IT MAKES ME VERY HAPPY!!!! 💖

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