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Anonigoose · 5d

insecure drunk kya.......insecure drunk kya save me. love that he instantly accuses diluc of trying to throw him away like garbage. i need more of him

Anonigoose · 5d

Hi ya c: I love ur luckae sm, thank u for feeding us, bless ur smart brain and talanted hands! I was wondering did u ever do some short animation? Or do u plan do sm like that?

I've never learned how to animate but I think about it sometimes... I would love to animate kae bouncing on dlcs cock for sure... butt squishing every time diluc goes in

Anonigoose · 12d

i can't stop thinking about sethos in claude's 3h school uniform. i need to share these brainworms with someone who understands.

he really is like mini claude... similar color scheme... bow user.. a bit similar in personality too esp in cynos quest

Anonigoose · 13d

Hey sorry, I send the 2nd part of the diluc sniffing panties text yesterday or so. Could I kindly ask you to, not post it, I'd like to refine it more.
I'd very much appreciate it. Thank you!

ITS OK ANON TAKE YOUR TIME... in the meantime i will treasure your writing and hope to be able to share with everyone eventually...

Anonigoose · 13d

do u have lck children designs? 👀 or do you just like seeing him pregnant (as we all should)

I haven't done proper designs but I drew them with lots of babies once- anyway i hc that most kids they have end up looking like Diluc 😎 maybe after several tries they get one that looks like kaya. their firstborn is always a girl

Anonigoose · 14d

kaeya doesn’t seem to realize that leaning over the counter at angel’s share to tease the bartender makes his pussy have a visible outline against his skintight leggings…

diluc doesnt know if he should appreciate the gratuitous cleavage eyecandy from kaeya leaning over the counter in front of him or stare minaciously at all the men inside the tavern who have their hungry eyes pointed at kaeya's backside...

Anonigoose · 20d

who in luckae would be into feet? i can see both having varied interests but i believe diluc would be just to align with the hc that he's the nastiest, panty sniffing feet rubbing against his cock king. he'd also have the excuse to give kaeya feet massages...

I can't say if either of them is into feet but im def into kaeya's feet... only into kaeya's feet specifically i love seeing his delicate feet in his stirrups... anyway there's a doujin i own that has dlc giving kae a massage and kaeya has really cute feet there

Anonigoose · 22d

diluc pinching and spanking and spitting on kaeya’s little shota clit… yea…

Anonigoose · 23d

kaeya oopsie daisying his way into the power of mind reading. diluc always has that ]:| hmph look but kaeya is overwhelmed by the longing and lust that’s in diluc’s mind whenever he sees him

kae at the bar counter going from "oya? 😏" at first to getting flustered blushing trembling closing his legs in reflex as he sees all the things dlc is thinking of doing to him... 🥵

Anonigoose · 24d

shotakae in a chastity belt, plugged up and begging diluc to use him


your art makes me not want to stop making art but instead makes me want to get better, thank you!

Anonigoose · 26d
Anonigoose · 27d

short king diluc (5'4) and tall kaeya (6') dating... kaeya balancing a bowl of snacks on diluc's head because it's better than eating chips and having a piece fall out of his mouth and landing on his head

Anonigoose · 27d

seriously respect ur grind. I've been here since 1.6 and you've just been a consistent lck and kya fan through it all. Love your love for kaeya

i think at this point saying that the kaeyussy has me in a chokehold is an understatement...

Anonigoose · 27d

naga dlc would bring back a lot of food he hunted as gift to his mate and he's not shy about putting his long forked tongue in kaeya either ... kae thinking being bloated with the beast's eggs is not so bad after all.. wonder what kind of babies will hatch

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