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ask me how i like my soobins in the morning


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bunbuns · 9mo

where will you post the sex maniac fic?? it seems like it’s gonna be juicy

bunbuns · 3mo

I know u aren’t really online anymore but i still see people saying that without you the community isn’t the same and i see people linking ur heat fic when others ask for au recommendations! Ure such an amazing person who, whether u realize it or not, has rlly made an impact in the community 🥺 it’s been so lonely without u around!!!! but I hope this time away has made u feel better and hopefully less burdened 💕💕

thank uuu for the kind words ))): after visiting after my suspension it still didn’t make me feel much comfortable tho i had a good time posting my concerts but now that has passed i don’t see myself returning unless with a very desirable prompt i want to share and write. but thank uuu ): this has been the end of soobutt posts for me i think…

bunbuns · 3mo

oh i love kitty yj and dumb (cutie) bunny sb 🥺

omggg we’re on same wavelengths my friend, i just opened retro and saw u sent this 1min ago! thanks for enjoying. he is a cutiful bunny~~

bunbuns · 3mo

how do you write so fast like ur brain must be working a little too much

bunbuns · 3mo


bunbuns · 3mo

hi! i’m trying to make my first socmed, so i was wondering what app you use for messages, or if you have any good recs?

sorrrrrryyyyy for delay. good luck on it! i use twinote and another app that is discontinuted..ik two writer friends who also use this one ^^ also frame magic and stitch sometimes for editing any screenshots!

bunbuns · 3mo

hehe hi! i’m sorry i’m just incredibly nosy and wanted to add to your theory of that sbn content acc admin being on this side of twitter…im like 99% sure the admin is from latam and in latam fandom shipping spaces are really big and wayy more normalized, so it wouldn’t really be a surprise if u were right abt them haha

OHHH HI!! YESSSS i thought the same too abt the latam idea! that made me set on this bttmbn idea even more!!!! bc ik their fandom culture is the same and they dont mind shipping either,, idt they have nsfw acc but surely they are okay with such themes..! but maybe theyre a sfw shipper, they give me bgsb vibes! you?

bunbuns · 4mo

I’d say start off easy!!!!! don’t overwhelm yourself bc u want results fast lol ease into it! it’s okay to not be at the level u see others at :)
u can also join communities that u can connect with!!! groups that have the same goals as u and don’t push any unhealthy ideals! wishing u luck on this journey ni <33

omggggggg thanks for checking in w me abt my working out!! i wish i saw this sooner, thanks a lot. i agree with easing in and not comparing! thanks!! sadly i dunnooo any ppl on work out desires soo ): but thank u sm otherwise!!

bunbuns · 4mo

NIIIII I feel like u would be so good at writing abt sbn in ribbons since that’s all we’ve been seeing lately..

PLSSSSS i posted abt it soooo much, i rlly should hmm? should his arms be tied behind his back with them?!!!! and thanks !!!!! lets see what happens with meee~

bunbuns · 4mo

hellloooo!!! will you ever be updating your "so, tips?" au? or is it discontinued / on hold?

ooohhh....a little super on hold, or maybe even done, bc i dont have any corn inspo to post with it sadly.... /: maybe i should just give it an odd final no cliffhanger update/ending bc i rlly cant imagine how to make it work much anymore if i dont have corn media

bunbuns · 4mo

omg hi nienie I finally caught up with ur updates todayyy!!!! I hope ure doing good!!!

aweee happy to hear, im alright thank you anonsies...i assume youre doing good too? listen to the album yet?

bunbuns · 4mo

WAIT I MEANT LIKE the story u were talking abt when u replied to my ask..😭

its funny bcs!!!! idk what this is abt. this is what happens when....you (me) doesnt reply asap!

bunbuns · 4mo

NIIII HI !! i recently found ur acc and read almost everything i could find on ur twt and ao3 acc 😭 i was just yesterday talking to myself about wanting to see more of ur works !! im so glad u came back !! and im so excited abt ur new socmed text au 🥺 i REALLY enjoyed it sm and i will be waiting new chaps‼️🫶

ohh wow thats so flattering i just wanna screenshot this and hug you. thank you for reading and telling me so, it is super encouraging and im sorry for delaying my response. thank uu again!!

bunbuns · 4mo

also..love ur writing sm im obsessed with u!!!!!

bunbuns · 4mo

abt the pictures u posted of ynbn today from the Dior event!!!! what if we have experienced and highly regarded model yj who meets new up & rising model sbn for the first time 🥹
cue sbn being shy around the person who he initially got into modeling for!!!!! and yjn first asserting himself as this intimidating person who by the end of the night becomes extremely fond of sbn and his little antics..they exchange numbers and if fans see them hanging outside of events more often than usual then…! <33

i love that!!! i like assertive turned fond. they can bond over industry success and losses. yj would give some tips to sb hmmm??? love it!! ty for sharing www meeee

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