Plus/Pluto · 2mo

what class are you taking :0 and like. for entertainment's sake what's your favourite book or movie or piece of media in general? mine is probably bojack horseman

im taking a verryyy course specific class rn LOL i would describe it to u but im gonna be so real and just say that i fell asleep after 15min and i have no idea what it is about....

OOOOOO OMG love this qn!!!! i used to love love reading so much but i havent read in so long ☹️ i think some of my favourite books ever would be from marie lu (young adult author) but its been years since ive read </3

movie wise i cant think of one atm!! ughh but recently ive been very into scifi... like both movies and shows.. ever since i watched sweet home (i love that show so much it inspired my first bmjn fic LMAO)

ive never heard of that!! how is it??

thank u for the ask teehee

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