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yeonbinie · 6mo

Hello admin! I found this comment on the killa performance and it was so funny. Can you translate it in full. I understand like 80% of it but not the '개맛둘' part😭 (the first comment on the vid from user @/ptr8667)

hi there!

full trans: ahh this is too sweet... watching them perform is so fucking fun... no matter how much i look at it they're michelin 3 stars (highest rating)... cultured fangirls would watch this stage....

개맛돌 (kay-mat-dol):
개: something is so fucking X
맛: taste
돌: 'dol' from the idol part

it translates to 'idols you that are so fucking fun to watch' because you can genuinely feel that it's tasty??? like koreans say anything is tasty if it is fun :) — 🌰

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