Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

cookie dough · 3mo

Aaaaa kajeng, gue pernah diposisi si Ares tau
Jadi temen kerja gue tuh kek suka ga enakan jadi orang n berujung sering dimanfaatin buat ngerjain ini itu sampe malem banget trs dibeliin jajan lah imbalannya, tp temen gue sering bgt ngeluh capek bla bla bla tp pas gue suruh nolak yg bukan kerjaannya katanya ga enak (takut ga ditemenin)
Trs akirnya gue yg maju kan bilang sama si yg sering nyuruh2 itu, eehhhh taunya temen gue malah belain dia, kocak banget, dia didepan orang2 malah bilang "gausah bikin rame, aku lo iklas" Ajg😭😭
abis itu gue uda mls banget tiap dia curhat capek2 kerja🥲

Right … sometimes we bcm the villain in someone else’s story although from objective pov what you’re doing considered as the right thing. Also for some people maintaining a good relationship with others are important enough to sacrifice themselves (i personally dont understand this tbh). Hahaha gpp … you’re a good friend. I know it came from a good place despite it’s being heard or not

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