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Coomener · 1y

You mentioned being a fan of non-con, but which kind is your fave? The coercive, blackmail-y kind or forceful/violent kind?

With the right nuances, all of it can be enjoyable. But umm, I think generally speaking, for its sense of contrast, the forceful kind? Albeit not SO forceful like guro territory. The power play dynamics is just hot to me.

I feel like, blackmail/coercive stories are usually too convenient and forced, IMO. Like, yeah, getting coerced into sex endlessly is more acceptable than whatever consequences it may be if your lewd pictures/vids get released.

It almost always falls into the inevitable cock-hungry mindbreak territory too, which could be good if done well, but in most cases not since tropes are employed because they are easy to do and the quality of execution usually reflects that.

Not that smut needs to be realistic, but I need to feel a good flow to the story, I guess? It's hard when the creator don't even care about setting things up and instead just having them as accessories to the sex.

In that spirit, I'd say I enjoy hypnosis non-con since you don't need to fabricate a reason to coerce and just somewhat magically move things forward. I'm also a huge fan of sleep/drunk non-con & also stealthier stuff like condom removal/sabotage!

I insist tho, execution matters more to me and these points are just like, my usual observation. One of my biggest turn on about non-con is, the guy is usually fucking their hearts out. It's sloppy, it's rough, the males are usually more built (or at least have more presence, even if they are fat), the grunt, they screamed, they talk dirty - elements that I feel SHOULD be more present in vanilla hentai.

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