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Coomener · 1y

What are some of the most memorable commission/commissioners you've had? For good and for bad.

Anything by Hal_Alterego is always nice to work on (although also HARD! XD). I loved the recent CSM commissions I get too.

For the bad apples...hmm. I recently rejected a commission request because I felt the commissioner was rude when I tried very very hard to be patient and explained everything to them.

I've had a few bad commissions in the past of course, but the worst was somebody running away before settling the 50% final payment. This then spurred me to make the 50% before work - 50% after sketch payment rule because I really cannot afford this happening to me anymore...

There are a few hard-to-work with commissioners in the past too, but I'll not talk badly about them. Nothing warrants that, honestly. It's just minor annoyance on my part.

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