Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Coomener · 11mo

Happy women's day, and just know that you don't have to be too hard on yourself when making art, I can see that what you deliver has quality, also, take care not just for us but for you

Ahoy, Coomener!

Life decided to throw me some damn curveballs the last few months, leaving me about as energetic as a sloth on a Sunday. Explains the radio silence, whoops! My apologies T o T

But hey, belated Happy Women's Day! And a HUGE thank you for the kind words about my art, it truly means a lot! ❤️

Now, excuse me while I mainline coffee and get back to making magic (or at least attempt to with what little energy I have left). Please go and have a funtastic weekend!

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