Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 7mo

I enjoy your stories greatly. Your world building, description of characters/ scenes, plot twists...everything! 😍 I'm gonna go out on a limb and shyly confess that while binge reading thru your carrd about a year ago, a certain short story made an impression. I had visions of a continuation of the story play out in my mind for days thereafter, various short scenes. Eventually I typed it out. Believe me that i-am-not-a-writer lol! I even thought about offering my drabble as a gift to you for giving your readers so much content. Pls know that I really appreciate your time and talents. 🫰🫶🫠💐

omg i'm really honored that you loved my writing and au so much! can you tell me which au it is? i'm really curious!!

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