Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Mysterious Hooman · 12d

Yakin udh mastiin semuanya? Isn't that just your assumption? No offense tho. I care for you, Rhe. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier.

Udah... 😭 I would know if he's dating someone because we're close friends. Sekarang aku tanya balik ya, kenapa KAMU yang tiba-tiba berasumsi kalo orang itu kemungkinan udah taken? Kamu tau aku dan dia di real life kah? Serius, tolong jawab jujur ya, soalnya aku beneran gak nyaman kalau ada temen rl yang tau akun cyber/LCA aku. The way you also know my crush's name initial, it's really creepy. Who are you...? I appreciate that you care for me, really. Tapi kalo beneran peduli sama aku, harusnya langsung samperin aku dan ingetin aku personally, I would've felt grateful instead of creeped out. Please jangan gini lagi, dan jangan stalk LCA aku lagi. Langsung DM aku aja habis ini kalo masih mau ngomong. Aku gak bakal marah, serius.

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