Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Seantuals · 8mo

OOF taste! The bot (me) is quite stingy with the point system but since you are a fellow fatal-trouble-ngitis like me, you may collect +10pts!

Newsflash: I thanked the universe already and it says you are welcome! (I can speak universelish) 📚 Naur, rest assured because it was just a normal conversation so your first impression is save!

No? Way? You? Are? An? I? I thought you are an E because you always look fully energized when you speak to your friends. But I do agree with you though, everyone will eventually be an E when they are around people they are comfortable with. Speaking about MBTI test, I took the test several times already but I always forget the results in the end. 휴 😮‍💨

Ha, that’s too easy!!! I can tell in a blink that you’re posting your current favorite. True? True. All the tracks in Memorabilia are top-notch, I bet Sooha is smiling proudly in another dimension.

For the next one, may I see the pictures of your fav(s) smiling in one tweet?

Okay stingy bot 😏 I'll work harder to earn the next 10 pts!

Hahaha. Teach me how to speak their language (universelish) too pleek! I want to be able to speak to them and make them understand me too. Ah, I'm glad then. I was worried I might came off weird to strangers. Although I don't really care. (I do, I'm a fake idgafer.)

I am.. an I... Is it that hard to believe? 🫣 But understandable. I think a lot mistaken me for an E too, because I never shut up. I wanted to be mysterious at some point you know, but I always have something to say so I failed miserably. Haha but how could you forget? Pro tip: keep a screenshot!

That's because I posted Fatal Troble! I bet you wouldn't be able to guess that easily if I just used a random song. As she should! I've been streaming day and night, so Sooha should be proud of me. What's your favorite track in Memorabilia, non-oomf?

Alrighty. 🫡 On it soon.

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